Obviously many people won't dare watch this, but I don't think you can call someone a Holocaust Denier without seeing it. This is the most well put together documentary about anything have seen yet. It is not an antisemitic movie, nor is does it have white supremest undertones. Its is the rational inquiry into the source and facts related to the Holocaust.

It is incredible in depth and thorough, and tangible. It is the other side of the coin. This is the way much of the rest of the world thinks and why they think we are silly for thinking the way we do.

Its four hours long so either its hypnotized me and I'm a crazy Nazi lover or there was such overwhelming evidence that the entire understanding of the event has been clouded that it has changed my world view drastically......



  • darbday wrote: »
    its four hours long so either its hypnotized me and i'm a crazy nazi lover or there was such overwhelming evidence that the entire understanding of the event has been clouded that it has changed my world view drastically......

  • edited*

    what the fuck tho
  • Originally Posted by darbday viewpost.gif

    either its hypnotized me and i'm a crazy nazi lover


    there was such overwhelming evidence that the entire understanding of the event has been clouded that it has changed my world view drastically......
    jdAA88 wrote: »
    Well I was really thinking it was the latter rather than the former...:-\
  • costanza wrote: »

    what the fuck tho

    Yes you are not sure what is going on yet.
  • as my 8 year old would say, "brain sucker, staving to death".

    Enough with these pointless threads. Give up and move on.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    as my 8 year old would say, "brain sucker, staving to death".

    Enough with these pointless threads. Give up and move on.
    Do you teach that child to take time out from their day to snuff peoples ideas they don't agree with...

    remember children learn from what their parents actually...not from what we think that we teach them.

    You didn't need to click this thread, or respond... you did it simply to bash someone you didn't agree with.
  • What is the point of this thread? are you just trying to stir up shit with people's emotions? does this give you some sort of cheap thrill? are you trying to enlighten us to some higher level of intelligence? how is this not hate mongering?

    is this really what you want to discuss in the 'Off Topic Thread'?

    btw, I have not watched the video.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    What is the point of this thread? are you just trying to stir up shit with people's emotions? does this give you some sort of cheap thrill? how is this not hate mongering? is this really what you want to discuss in the 'Off Topic Thread'?
    You think its hate mongering because you already have a view that the video is not only wrong but unjust, its not....its a completely logical and factual investigation...not at all bred or created on hate.
    are you trying to enlighten us to some higher level of intelligence?
    i do not believe in such a thing.

    btw, I have not watched the video.
    Of course not, your first re action is anger fear and hate. Which blocks logic.
  • sorry, but i'm wanting some clarification. darb, you think the holocaust is a myth?

    just a simple yes or no (i don't care about the relativity of the situation).
  • trigs wrote: »
    sorry, but i'm wanting some clarification. darb, you think the holocaust is a myth?

    just a simple yes or no (i don't care about the relativity of the situation).
    The problem I am pointing out is in your question, its obviously not a yes or no question. Making it that it a huge issue.

    Not caring about the relativity is ignoring the other side of the coin and rejoicing in the fact that the 'good guys' won.

    Nobody won, humanity lost. Not the Nazis we all did. All sides suffer from this ignorance, not just Nazis.

    The truth to history is, when someone 'win's they get to decide history.
  • darbday wrote: »
    The problem I am pointing out is in your question, its obviously not a yes or no question. Making it that it a huge issue.

    Not caring about the relativity is ignoring the other side of the coin and rejoicing in the fact that the 'good guys' won.

    Nobody won, humanity lost. Not the Nazis we all did. All sides suffer from this ignorance, not just Nazis.

    The truth to history is, when someone 'win's they get to decide history.

  • trigs wrote: »
    did you need me to repeat that? its an incorrect question. Things aren't black and white, thinking they are creates conflict.

    Also you should watch this video and the last one. Don't be scared.
  • I feel like Mel Gibson could really bring some levity to this thread...
  • darbday wrote: »
    did you need me to repeat that? its an incorrect question. Things aren't black and white, thinking they are creates conflict.

    Also you should watch this video and the last one. Don't be scared.

    sorry, guess i needed you to repeat it.

    so just to be clear (i must be slow today), in your response to my question "is the holocaust a myth or did it actually happen" your answer is:

    "i can't answer that because it's not the correct question" and "actual events in history cannot just be labelled in black and white terms of 'yes they did occur' or 'no they did not occur' because such terms lead to conflicts on whether something is a fact or not"

    is this correct?
  • Yes the whole question you are asking is the problem I am pointing out.
  • Watched some of the video. It changed your world view drastically?
  • darbday wrote: »
    Yes the whole question you are asking is the problem I am pointing out.

    Aaah, but just a little ways north you can find the answers to ALL your questions. :D
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Watched some of the video. It changed your world view drastically?
    ya, maybe not in the way you think i meant though.
  • In the interest of fair debate I started to watch the video. I got through about 1 hour before I had to turn it off. I literally feel sick to my stomach that I watched it. That was the biggest piece of shit holocaust denial propaganda crap I have ever heard or seen.

    WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU???? How can you possibly not be able to see the holocaust denial propaganda that the film is full of.

    Any argument that you have has absolutely zero validity to me from this point on. The fact that you could use that film as a means to support your argument is so disgusting.

    Anyone who knows me, knows that it is not in my nature to speak out like this, but your views are terribly disturbing.
  • Kudos for being able to get through an hour . . . I lasted about 40 minutes . . . but, yeah . . . awful. And nothing that has not been spun before by the Denial Mill.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    In the interest of fair debate I started to watch the video. I got through about 1 hour before I had to turn it off. I literally feel sick to my stomach that I watched it. That was the biggest piece of shit holocaust denial propaganda crap I have ever heard or seen.

    WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU???? How can you possibly not be able to see the holocaust denial propaganda that the film is full of.

    Any argument that you have has absolutely zero validity to me from this point on. The fact that you could use that film as a means to support your argument is so disgusting.

    Anyone who knows me, knows that it is not in my nature to speak out like this, but your views are terribly disturbing.

    This film is complete garbage. Any television or newspaper details of the holocaust are disregarded because of one lead story in one daily newspaper?? My initial reaction was that darb is just looking for attention. But looking at all his other posts re: Jews run the US, etc., he definitely is hate mongering which is not needed on any public forum.
  • lol, that video is so biased and selective it's not even funny. Watched 40 minutes, seem authored by someone who thinks he's a lot smarter than he is. If I cared enough to, I could make a similar piece of counterpropaganda discredeting this video. Don't let the fact that you're forced into this guys comfort zone of selective information fool you, this is still propaganda playing a lot more on your emotions than he would have you believe

    edit: Watching 45 minutes felt like analysing the trainwreck that is michael moores "an uncomfortable truth" all over again in school
This discussion has been closed.