Emotional Intelligence


I have no idea about the credibility of the author. But the subject of the book is one of incredible importance.

The book suggests we have 2 imporant parts of the brain. Kinda like having an emotional brain (amygdala i believe) and the logical brain. The book suggests when the emotional brain is activated, the logical brain is superseded and cannot be requested for use.

The idea is we inherited this in caveman time so when we saw a dangerous threat we wouldn't stop to think we would just get scared and run like heck.

The idea is this is why we punch brick walls when we are mad. Or wy partners say stuff they don't mean when they have heated arguments.

This simple understanding has a huge effect on the world, just a few examples:

Its almost impossible to teach a child that has no emotional control, whether that inability is biological, chemical, or from zero self esteem.

Imagine the cycle of trying to teach an emotional animal to not piss on the carpet, from an emotional trainer...the trainer gets emotional and therefore stupid, the animal gets scared and upset and stupider, and you have a cycle of illogical abuse. From then on the animal is unteachable, because humans don't generally know how to re instill emotional intelligence, before adding logic.

We are tricked into making emotional consumer type decisions all day everyday, ads purposefully play on our emotions.

Emotion, and illogics:

Politicians use emotion to get people to clap at stupid shit.
And then people vote for them because they aren't taught to separate emotion and logic.

Have we seen any heated debates or protests that have a illogical undertones?

If we taught people the dangers of emotional thinking, they might be more guarded against illogics.

Ever say, what was I thinking last night? Your thinking was superseded.

Beer makes you emotion and irrational

Its the same concept as tilting in poker.

If emotional intelligence was taught in our schools this world would be wildly better place and would make incredibly better decisions as a whole.



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