The Dark Knight Rises - SPOILERS



  • Billy ur beautiful inside and out, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise

    (one of my std lines for broads when I need to coo them :) )
  • Thank you for the compliment, but you can't have me.

    So, I just google imaged her and saw a hundred other pictures. Probably touched up, obviously taken in studio by pros, blah blah blah.. But she's hot. That other pic is just a terrible pic.
  • Even that pic she's hotter than 99% of women.. don't kid yourselves (and I don't much like short hair)

  • perspective tho.

  • 1'st pic: Role pic. She's supposed to look like that.

    2'nd pic: You're just picking bad pics. She's probably had a million taken. Some gonna be bad.

    3'rd pic: That's not a terrible pic.
  • 1'st pic: Role pic. She's supposed to look like that.

    2'nd pic: You're just picking bad pics. She's probably had a million taken. Some gonna be bad.

    3'rd pic: That's not a terrible pic.

    2nd pic is a photoshop contest /meme thing where you remove the eyebrows.. they did it with everyone.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    2nd pic is a photoshop contest /meme thing where you remove the eyebrows.. they did it with everyone.


    Ahhhh...I was trying to figure out what was so weird about it.
  • I'm officially a declerate

    I'm watching "love and other drugs" and anne's sexy AF and has a nice litte rack on her

    In love.
  • costanza wrote: »
    Having a face that looks like it's been smashed by a shovel isn't tho :(

    You're so easily swayed. That's funny.

    You really should come up with a formal definition of "Declerate"......................................
    Tho. Send 'er off to and you're money will probably be in the mail.
  • costanza wrote: »
    I'm officially a declerate

    I'm watching "love and other drugs" and anne's sexy AF and has a nice litte rack on her

    In love.

    It's only already knocked out of the Fallsview 1k??
  • You're so easily swayed. That's funny.

    You really should come up with a formal definition of "Declerate"......................................
    Tho. Send 'er off to and you're money will probably be in the mail.

    I'm a real man that can admit my faults.

    Lol declerate... A word established by me when I was slightly more than a little drunk, and looked up an online thesaurus to find a PC word for "retard" so people could stop getting mad at me and my uneducated tongue. In doing this, I literally misread / was dumb enough not to notice that the word I was looking at was decelerate , I really thought it was declerate until I was informed of just how dumb I really am.

    Also, I'm still watching this movie and anne's getting pounded as I type this

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