100 Riffs; History of Rock

Not positive if his chronology is totally accurate, but all 100 riffs in about 12mins? Great stuff!! Hey Johnnie...CHALLENGE??

100 Riffs (A Brief History of Rock N' Roll) - YouTube


  • A+. Would watch again.

    Obviously he's missing a few dozen riffs, but that is still very impressive! It's not easy to change styles that quickly, manage the effects board, and not mess up all on camera.
  • I watched a few of the similar videos after, hands down this was the best done. Had to listen to a few favorites right after. Great post.
  • Nephew posted this on FB a week or so ago . . . I knew all but 2 of the first 75, and missed 9 of the remaining 25. Just shows you when I stopped being a music nut, I guess.
  • Makes me realize how bad a guitar player I am....three cords and the truth..
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