Canadian Poker Tour & Canadian Open Poker Championships

Hey! Is anyone planning on attending the Open Poker Championship in Calgary betwenn Aug. 22 - Sep. 2? Or has anyone attended before? What was your experience like?


  • I went a couple times. I thought it was Deerfoots event now and not CPT's though?
  • I hope your not really a big fat guy
  • Did it just get shilly in here?
  • FYI, since this is a poker forum and thus players should be well informed if they are under the wrong impression...

    "The Canadian Poker Tour is neither a licensed or registered entity with the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission as such, cannot conduct poker tournaments or enter into any business relationship with Alberta Casinos.* Any company wishing to conduct poker tournaments in conjunction with a casino facility would be required to undergo an extensive background investigation prior to being approved"

    As per inquiry and response by Director of Investigations, AGLC

    Shoot off an e-mail to them if you have any doubts.

    As for the overall COPC experience and what to expect, left you some feedback predictions in the original COPC thread started by a reputable member here:
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