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Playing 1-2-3 NL (1 on button) while waiting for a bigger game. 300 max.

I have QTcc UTG +1, UTG limps, I raise to 15 and state that I have 100 behind and the dealer just nods, SB calls, UTG calls.

Before the hand starts I have $100 cash and 200 in chips infront of me and the chip runner takes my 100 and tells the dealer I am 100 behind...not sure if the dealer responded.

SB has 300 behind with nothing actually in front of him.

Flop AcJc8h checked to me, I bet 35, SB calls and UTG folds.

Turn AcJc8h9d sb checks I bet 65 he snap calls.

River blank and before any action takes place I look at SB and say I have 100 behind TWICE, I tell dealer I have 100 behind while she is looking right at me, people next to me hear me say I have 100 behind.

He checks I go all in and he instacalls.

His chips show up right after the hand is over and the dealer says he owes 200...I say I had 100 behind. Dealer no Engrish goody says she thought I meant the other guy had 100 behind. The other guy claims he never heard me say 100 behind.

I call the floor and she goes over everything. Player on my right says he clearly heard me say 100 behind several times. Dealer says she thought I said the other guy has 100 behind (he had 300 behind, so...WAT?). Opponent says he never heard me, player to his right with earbuds in takes them out and asks whats going on and then said he never heard me...nice. Floor rules that 100 doesn't play because the players at the other end of the table never heard me say I had chips behind (this consisted of my opponent and the guy listening to music)...WAT.

I think the ruling was partly based on the fact that the floor knows that I don't care about the 100 and the other player is just some rec weekend player who will never player over 1-2-3 and the 100 means more to him.

Oh, and I berate my opponent after the hand which I never do but it was a clear angle on his part. The dealer says it was her fault and then I also berate the dealer (which I have never done in my life) for not knowing how to do her fucking job and told her that I hope to god that she isn't allowed to deal anything higher than 1-2-3 and that if she ever deals me in a bigger game that I will call the floor over every time she does one minor thing wrong to tell them to not allow her to deal higher stakes.



  • You really seem to have cared about that $100.00 more than you're letting on . . . otherwise, why the tantrum? I mean, I agree you were hosed, but if the $$$ didn't matter, then why the drama?
  • Milo wrote: »
    You really seem to have cared about that $100.00 more than you're letting on . . . otherwise, why the tantrum? I mean, I agree you were hosed, but if the $$$ didn't matter, then why the drama?

    First of all, c'mon...then:

    Because I don't enjoy getting angled by another player for any amount of money. I did everything right in the hand to alert my opponent and the dealer that I had $100 behind...and the implication would be that I am somehow trying to angle for the $100 if the ruling goes the other way, no?

    This is a game and I am trying to get all of his chips...which I did in a fair manner. I don't care what the denominations are of his chips.

    And...the way he snap called every street I am certain he would have called if I had $200 in chips sitting behind. I never say anything derogatory to anyone at a poker table unless they are angling. I can lose a $4000 pot where I am 90+% when the money goes in and I just reload, that's the game; however, whether I am in a hand or not if someone is angling they will be sure to hear from me for quite a while in no uncertain terms.
  • Relax, GTA, just poking the bear a little . . . I agree, the ruling should have been in your favour. History with either you or the opponent is irrelevant. You did everything you could short of holding up cue cards. The idiot with the tunes should be discounted entirely as, if he cannot be bothered to pay attention, why should his comments count in the aftermath. and no, if the decision had gone your way, no reasonable person would have called you an angle shooter . . .

    but I would have, just to be a shit disturber. That said, I think you were a little over the top with the Dealer. But only a little
  • Next time insist on lammer when they take your hundo or don't say allin. Announce the physical bet.
  • moose wrote: »
    Next time insist on lammer when they take your hundo or don't say allin. Announce the physical bet.

    This is pretty standard procedure at this casino as they don't leave cash behind to play. It is very standard for the dealer to state how much someone is playing and then that is it for the remainder of the hand. I was being nice in reiterating several times that I had $100 behind since I don't want to take anyone's chips when they are unaware of my bet sizing. I stated Ihave $100 behind right before going all in.

    I've just never come across such a dealer and floor fuck up as this after 10 years of cash games so I wanted to post it.
  • Deserve the $100. + 1

    Losing your cool. + 1
  • That's weird that they didn't give you a lammer and you are right the chip runner, dealer etc always state how much you are behind. I would be pissed too if I didn't get the hundo....its a principal thing. I mean if this is what the ruling is why not just play with invisible money and decide when you are going to pay up after you lose a hand.

    Just poor decision.....
  • There is so much fail by the casino on this (dealer, chip runner, house). This is the same as it's done in YEG, chip runner grabs cash, tells dealer how much behind, no lammer given........I've seen this happen before, but the dealer and or floor were competent however, and make losing player cover.

    Generally when playing live, I'm not into berating......but I would make an exception for this obvious angle shooting fuckbag.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »

    Generally when playing live, I'm not into berating......but I would make an exception for this obvious angle shooting fuckbag.

    They are the worst kind of fuckbags. ;)
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