Tournament... Soooooo close!!!

Ok this upsets me but it's my own fault lol. Has anyone ever tried Poker King's 5 for 5 deal? I was just playing in a tournament and I'm pretty sure I got the farthest I've ever gotten in a tournament (ya I know it's not as good as you other folks out there). But I finished in the place just before it pays out. I can't believe it! I should've just folded. I had a 9/J suited. I was up and down the whole game. I went all in and lost. :bs: I should've just waited another round. At least I would've got some money out of it. Arg, sometimes I just get impatient during tournaments and need to learn some patience! Any advice for this? lol. On the bright side, I got my very first Royal Straight (unsuited).


  • Philli in drag.

  • Unsuited Royal straights ITT.
  • Ok this upsets me but it's my own fault lol. Has anyone ever tried Poker King's 5 for 5 deal? I was just playing in a tournament and I'm pretty sure I got the farthest I've ever gotten in a tournament (ya I know it's not as good as you other folks out there). But I finished in the place just before it pays out. I can't believe it! I should've just folded. I had a 9/J suited. I was up and down the whole game. I went all in and lost. :bs: I should've just waited another round. At least I would've got some money out of it. Arg, sometimes I just get impatient during tournaments and need to learn some patience! Any advice for this? lol. On the bright side, I got my very first Royal Straight (unsuited).
    lol royal straight unsuited. So would that be broadway? I'm confused:D
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Unsuited Royal straights ITT.

  • costanza wrote: »

    Pokerprincess = Fed? :D
  • You had the ace and deuce of hearts?
  • Never worry about bubbling a tourney (unless it's a satelite) since all the $ is top 3 anyways.

    Without more specifics can't say whether the J9 was good / bad.

    Stack sizes involved, blinds, table image etc
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