Degens Gonna Degen - Detroit man gambles away $1.5 million accidentally given by ATM


  • Bank error in your favour, collect---urrhm wait, Go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go....
  • fuck man just take the $1.5 mil and leave the country. obviously this guy was a complete moron. didn't he even for a second consider they might figure out what is going on? shit like this depresses me so much.
  • maybe he knew they were gonna find out, so he tried to gamble to book a win...

    if u think about it, gambling is the quickest way to make heaps of cash fast

    also the quickest way to lose it too tho, obv
  • No, what you do is....once you figure out that is the case....go back to every bank machine you can find within a short period wearing a mask, take out millions, bury the cash, bash your own face in, and report a mugging. All this must take place within a couple of hours either way.

    THEN you go gamble (in Asia)...LOL
  • costanza wrote: »
    maybe he knew they were gonna find out, so he tried to gamble to book a win...

    if u think about it, gambling is the quickest way to make heaps of cash fast

    also the quickest way to lose it too tho, obv

    so let's say he actually won. does he get to keep his winnings?
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    ...bash your own face in...

    herein is where the genius lies.
  • trigs wrote: »
    herein is where the genius lies.

    No pain no gain >:D
  • Better yet don't even report a mugging before you make sure you are found, bleeding laying out on a sidewalk somewhere.
  • Maybe he's not that inept, if this was me, my story would be the same.....cept I'd have a stash of one mirrion+ somewhere, and everyone would assume I degened it away. Easiest way to get away with a tonne of cash, and no one the wiser.

    Only costs a month or two in poopshoot hotel.
  • Wasn't this a rather high profile court case some odd years ago where this chick got laid off on her job and her last cheque was a mistake and instead read a million dollar instead of a grand or whateve it was and she did not give it back.
  • As per the article, I'm starting to wonder where exactly is the crime? You can overdraft your account up to the limit that the bank allows and then the bank charges you interest on the overdraft. If the bank was allowing him unlimited overdraft then that is the bank's fault. So now he has a 1.5m loan from the bank. How is this different from walking into a bank and asking for a 1.5m loan and the bank permits the loan? If the person does not have the ability to pay it back and subsequently declares bankruptcy then bank sucks up the loan. The person that took the loan does not go to jail.
  • moose wrote: »
    As per the article, I'm starting to wonder where exactly is the crime? You can overdraft your account up to the limit that the bank allows and then the bank charges you interest on the overdraft. If the bank was allowing him unlimited overdraft then that is the bank's fault. So now he has a 1.5m loan from the bank. How is this different from walking into a bank and asking for a 1.5m loan and the bank permits the loan? If the person does not have the ability to pay it back and subsequently declares bankruptcy then bank sucks up the loan. The person that took the loan does not go to jail.

    i agree but the guy just admitted his guilt right away.
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