the right level of drunk

i'm curious as to how many of you play poker while drinking. i thin it's safe to assume that alcohol is available at the majority of live poker games.

personally, i think i'm a better live player if i have a couple beers in me. i think i have a better social game that way ;)


  • Lol

    Don't get me started on my Caesars 10pm daily a couple of years ago

    A few PFC members know all to well about it. :)
  • I will be offering seminars on this at a future date.

    Also, FWIW, my roommate is shocked that I play as well drunk as I do sober. Also my Royal Cup record speaks for itself.

    As for charisma, ya... not so much.

  • I don't drink at all when I play, even when it's comped I still order coca cola

    After my session is a different story
  • Poker got me started on drinking

    But I still won't drink all that much when I play.
  • i only drink because of poker....thank you :)
  • I've always been partial to step 3 however I don't drink when I play:

  • SteveKerr wrote: »

    Don't get me started on my Caesars 10pm daily a couple of years ago

    A few PFC members know all to well about it. :)

    Cole Notes:

    - we all late reg for the 10pm, get sat at the same table
    - crazykoby gets in a fight with old black couple
    - Steve drinks rye
    - we all bust except Steve
    - he drinks more rye
    - makes final table and says "I cant see my cards anymore"
    - drinks rye and loses headsup
    - villain fistpumps when he wins

    Drunkest Ive ever watched somebody be and still win
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Cole Notes:

    - we all late reg for the 10pm, get sat at the same table
    - crazykoby gets in a fight with old black couple
    - Steve drinks rye
    - we all bust except Steve
    - he drinks more rye
    - makes final table and says "I cant see my cards anymore"
    - drinks rye and loses headsup
    - villain fistpumps when he wins

    Drunkest Ive ever watched somebody be and still win

    Lol sounds epic as hell
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Cole Notes:

    - we all late reg for the 10pm, get sat at the same table
    - crazykoby gets in a fight with old black couple
    - Steve drinks rye
    - we all bust except Steve
    - he drinks more rye
    - makes final table and says "I cant see my cards anymore"
    - drinks rye and loses headsup
    - villain fistpumps when he wins

    Drunkest Ive ever watched somebody be and still win

    TL; DR version please :)
  • I am all for it, meanwhile I am the cleanest person on earth hence my vice of poker HA.

    If you want to drink at my game your more than welcome to, I think it helps me!
  • I play my optimal poker about "6 beers in". I am a fair sized guy and I have a good buzz, feel relaxed and yet can still do all of the quick math required. At this point I am willing to go with my reads and I seem to be more perceptive to body language or mannerisms in this state. Maybe this is more of a "feel" thing for me but when I think of all the really good winning sessions at the casino, my best performances in my home league I was able to maintain that state of intoxication for the entire session. I laugh inside when guys at the casino who I know are watching me drink nudge their buddy when I order another beer. I'm not going to lie and say I've never ended up getting really loaded and dumped a bunch of money because I've done that too (but at home games where we play for less money), but I have a good handle on my consumption when I play in the casino. That's my two cents worth.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    TL; DR version please :)

    One of the other PFC members with have to do that. I was way to drunk and don't event remember my walk he to my hotel from Caesars at like 6am. lol
  • I can honestly say I have never played a game of poker while NOT under the influence.

    At one point my seriously drunken poker skills were almost legendary. One time at 16 beers in a buddy and I began heads up play which lasted for almost two hours at the end of a home game. I won even though I could barely see my cards and looked like an ape trying to count chips.
  • i used to play at a bar league that my friend set up and ran. i only went out about 4 times, but the only time i won was when i decided to get trashed. i don't actually remember the final table but i do remember when we decided that tequila shots were a good idea.
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