South Western Ontario NLH tourny

I will be running a NHL tourny in early June. Maximum 100 players. I am wondering what type of buy-in people would like to see. We are thinking that we will run a tourny once a month. The first one might be a bit higher buy-in/pay out just to get as many people interested as possible.



  • The first one might be a bit higher buy-in/pay out just to get as many people interested as possible.

    Hmmm... it's pretty hard to determine whether raising or lowering the buy-in will attract more or less players. You are basically marketing to two fairly different crowds (with some overlap of course).

    You have to ask yourself how many people that would have played in a $50 buy-in tournament you think you would lose if you choose a $100 buy-in tournament instead; compared with how many people who would have rather have played for $100, but would actually pass if the buy-in was only $50.

    I don't think it's necessarily the buy-in itself that you should focus on to attract players, but rather, any "extras" you might offer. For example:

    1. Will there be cash game(s) afterwards? Why not also advertise these up front? I've seen a lot of home tournaments advertise as a tournament alone with the intention of running a cash game afterwards. It might be nice to inform players of this--- it's possible that some players might not come for a tournament alone, but would come if they knew a cash game was also available afterwards.

    2. Will you offer any aditional prizes (cash added, or other bonus prizes)? Will you offer a minimum 1st prize?

    3. Will there be any "side benefits"? Free pizza? Free parking? Free coffee? Often things like this are provided, so why not take advantage of this in your marketing?

    One last thing. If I was a poker narc, I'd be really curious as to what these +5, +10, etc mean (as in "50+5"). Advertise poker in a public forum carefully, and at your own risk.

  • I agree with many of the things you said and appreciate the feedback. To answer some of your questions, yes I am sure that there will be side games available afterwards. Also, we have not thought about what the "extras" would be but I am sure that beverages and some type of food will be available. I am more in the preliminary stages so I was actually just trying to get a feel of how many people would be interested and what type of buy-in people would consider. As for the Poker-narcs and the +5...well enter "whatever would make the +5 legal" comment here. It would for the most part be for the food and beverages supplied to people. Obviously I would attempt to make this event as legal as possible but it is a thin line to walk on. Thanks again Scotty.

  • Okay, sounds great to me!

    I guess my main point was not that you necessarily should do any of the "extras" I mentioned, but *if* you are planning on doing those sorts of things anyway, then it would be good to mention that in any advertising or whatever.

    I'd see if I could maybe make it down there myself if it's on a weekend. 8)

  • Question: Is is illegal to gamble under a certain age or just not goto a casino at a certain age?

    Also, for this tourney, would there be an age minimun?
  • I had a pretty good look at the gaming section of the Criminal Code (basically sections 197 to 209), and I couldn't find any information about the legal age for gambling.

    In Ontario, you must be 18 or older to buy a lottery ticket and 19 or over to enter a (government owned) casino.

    One cool (but unrelated) thing I did find while I was searching was:

    209. Every one who, with intent to defraud any person, cheats while playing a game or in holding the stakes for a game or in betting is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.

    So, in Canada, you can get jail time for cheating at poker.

    "I caught a hanger, sarge!"

  • Have to let the guys know about 209...
  • I would be most interested in a $50 tourney, but $100 is also ok. I think you should have a poll that goes like this:

    Would you like to play in a tournament where the buyin is:

    A) Less than $50
    B) $50 to $100
    C) $100 to $200
    D) $200 or more

    That way, you can get a better idea of which way people are leaning.

    I personally would like the lower limit initially to check out the tournament, especially if it were to be monthly. Plus, the lower buyin should make little difference to people who are(like me) desperate for tournaments in my area, plus a lower buyin would be more attractive to newer players.

    Just my 2000 cents(tournament chips!) ;)
  • I personally would like the lower limit initially to check out the tournament, especially if it were to be monthly. Plus, the lower buyin should make little difference to people who are(like me) desperate for tournaments in my area, plus a lower buyin would be more attractive to newer players.

    A couple of excellent points. I agree with the general sentiment of Jeremy's post. I think you are going to lose a lot more players moving the buy-in from $50 up to $100, than you would moving the buy-in from $100 down to $50.

  • Thanks for your input guys. I agree that the drop off would likely be greater if the cost was higher then if it was lower. I will give you more details and post info as it comes closer to the date. I am glad to see that there is interest, it looks as though I will go ahead and arrange the tourny. If anyone knows anyone that would be willing to "loan" or "rent" chips to me for this event, that would be greatly appreciated. Of course how many chips would depend on how many players want to play. Thanks again.

  • Count me in if you can a tourney going.
    As far as the legality is is my understanding that as long as there is no rake or fees, home games are legal.
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