
starcraft going into season 8. It's a longshot but will anyone here be laddering?

I'm playing a bit now, warming up with this a bit | arcade

maybe that's also useful for mass mtting :P

useful tips:

-stretch wrists in between every game to not play with tension
-don't box too much, practice clicking things instead of arbitrarily boxing them
-don't scroll around the map if you can help it, get your hotkeys and screen position hotkeys right
-good effective apm and speed comes from watching the minimap and identifying all the things you need to do from the, keep your eyes on that minimap anytime you can

Let's see if I can go master league ^^'


  • When I first started playing and paying attention to poker I found it very neat/odd just how many players were former pro Starcraft players.

    Very fun game.. I never could get a real good hold on Zerg though I was always Terran or Protoss... gotta spam those carriers.

    When I was 12-13 I was so in love for Starcraft just waiting and waiting and waiting for SC2.. but now that it is finally out it has simply just been too long.

    Not to mention they are splitting the story into 3 releases which is very lame.
  • starcraft always makes me think of south korean when i was there. there were multiple video game networks that showed video game crap all day, but one in particular was the starcraft network (that's not the actually name of it though). this one literally had starcraft tournaments on 24/7. it was nuts to watch them play. i've read that there are dorms that you can join where all you do is eat, sleep and play starcraft (usually about 12 hours a day iirc).
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