Garry Bettman

So I am pretty bitter with the current situation and how things have gone. I for one, have to admit how much garry bettman gets on my nerves, i hate him. I cant belive he still has a job?! He tells everyone about a business that is struggling and is losing money...isnt it his job? I dont understand how he got in hockey or why he still has a job. Anyways, I just had to let it out, because i cant stand him at all!

PS. I hate it when he shakes his head so vigorously when he talks!!


  • throw him into the River :wink:
  • I selected (C).
  • Jay wrote:
    I selected (C).
    Jay Get the TABLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tongue:
  • I hate gary b. with a passion, BUT he is a smart business man, look what he did for the N.B.A. It was in peril (losing teams lithe NHL), he introduces a sallerycap, luxery tax and profit sharing amounsts teams and POOF....every team is worth millions. The only NBA team to fold in 9 years was the Vanc. team, vancouver has no market. Raptors suck, but T.O. is a sports town.

    I say let him do the business he has to and play hockey, without losing more teams, if the cap is in place along with everything else, we won't loose Buffalo, Ottawa, Calgary and Edmonton.
  • Bettmans job is to represent what is in the best interest for the league/owners first and foremost. Players wishes and demands are second, it is the NHLPA job to represent the players. If the owners are happy and the league is profitable I think Bettman will keep his job for years to come

  • punch him in the nose :D

    LMFAO :tongue:
  • You know whats that in the poll, you can't extend his contract AND punch him in the nose!
  • I can't even remember who it was but it was on MOJO or Team 1040. They were basically saying that after this gets sorted out they should have a sort of commisioner type guy that represents the game. He'd be appointed and aggreed upon by both the owners and the players. He would address rule changes ect.. and would also act as a mediator for problems such as the ones their having now.

    I know it just sounds like an arbitrator but I think it's a good idea. I guess the tough part would be finding someone that both the owners and the players would agree on.

    I have no problems with Bettman, he's doing what he's paid to do. I don't think he should really be involved in rule changes and what not because he hasn't got a clue whats good for the game. As far as negotiations go though he's there to get a salary cap and try and get some sort of cost certainty. This is what he's paid to do and why he was brought in, he's doing what the owners who pay his salary want him to.
  • they should just drive him out to the desert
    and leave him there :biggrin:
  • Quasi wrote:
    I know it just sounds like an arbitrator but I think it's a good idea. I guess the tough part would be finding someone that both the owners and the players would agree on.

    I would like to suggest: Simon, Paula and Randy.

    I mean come on, how can you not like them. There will never be a tie and if Simon really has a problem with something then he'll let them know in no uncertain words. They have no stake in hockey so they can't be persuaded either way.

    That's who I am voting for.
  • I think Nick Kyprios should be the new commisioner..

    *cackling under breath*
  • close the boarders to him and his family???

    does anyone really have a problem with his family
    and wheres the option to punch his family in the face??
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