Do you believe..


I love aliens, anything to do with them I am down. I'd personally take a good alien movie or show over anything Zombies anyday.

If you do... do you think they've visited Earth? made contact with anyone? Are there alien corpses at Area 51!? The Truth is out there.

If not... well I guess you won't have too much to add to this thread will you?


  • Macke wrote: »

    I love aliens, anything to do with them I am down.

    Anal probe much?

    You should read:

    Contact -- Carl Sagan
    One of Us -- Michael Marshall (Smith)
    Area 51 -- not so much aliens but a great book that explains much of the UFO/alien sightings in the 1960s+ US by giving a declassified account of the secret military base

    PS -- did you realize that the movie Alien is from
  • "Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days."

    Aliens have visited earth....not so much.
  • Intelligent aliens? Highly unlikely.

    Microbes or possibly insects or underwater animals of some kind more likely but still unlikely that we'll ever find them.
  • Gillian Anderson was so hot!

    I do believe in other species out there, but that none have visited us.
  • To say that intelligent life does not exist is arrogant of us.

    Now, I do not think any have made it here. Although my ex-wife may prove me wrong. :D
  • I'll go with yes but hopefully we'll know more in 2024 with the Square Kilometer Array to address the pesky Fermi paradox.

    South Africa, Australia Host Alien-Seeking Telescope Complex - Bloomberg
  • When you consider that our star is but one in our galaxy which contains billions of stars and that our galaxy is but one of a potentially infinite amount of galaxies then statistically there must be some other living organisms somewhere out there. That also means that there might be several galaxies between us making any contact between our two species very unlikely. Also, they could be like microbes, bacteria or a completely different type of life form unknown to us.
    Therefore the whole alien conspiracy thing seems unlikely to me and the thought that several government administrations over several decades (or centuries) have being working in concert to deny us this evidence seems laughable at best.
  • Have you MET my inlaws?!?!?

  • Shtebs wrote: »
    When you consider that our star is but one in our galaxy which contains billions of stars and that our galaxy is but one of a potentially infinite amount of galaxies then statistically there must be some other living organisms somewhere out there. That also means that there might be several galaxies between us making any contact between our two species very unlikely. Also, they could be like microbes, bacteria or a completely different type of life form unknown to us.

    not to mention that there also the theory that we live in a multi-verse and ours is just one of what could be an infinite amount of universes in existence. by the way, according to this theory, there is also a very good chance that there is someone almost exactly like you in every single way except one little difference.
  • trigs wrote: »
    not to mention that there also the theory that we live in a multi-verse and ours is just one of what could be an infinite amount of universes in existence. by the way, according to this theory, there is also a very good chance that there is someone almost exactly like you in every single way except one little difference.

    A me which is successful at poker?

  • There is undoubtedly "life" out there somewhere. Is it life like us? I doubt it. Has any alien intelligence ever landed on Earth? I doubt that, too . . .
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