
Costanza's Vancouver TR (the city version)

Prolly gonna be some poker stories thrown in here as well, but I have a bit of time to kill, so I figured I would give my TR to you guys.

So as you know, friday evening I made my way to Vancouver after flying out of toronto. The flight took about 5.5 hrs, and it was good. I free rolled a few drinks from the businessman beside me who was very generous, so already my trip was +EV.


I alredy gave my first night in Vancouver TR, all it consisted of was poker and gambling, if anyone is interested in that, link here:


So Saturday morning, we wake up and make our way up yaletown for some mcd's breakfast, and some shopping. I bought some shoes, clothes, and some other things, but that wasn't enough, so we hopped in the drop top m3 and rolled over to The Pacific Centre (just a pic I snapped on the way there):


It is by faaar the biggest mall I have ever been in. They had so many stores it was insane. We went to this store called Holt Renfrew which was like this High roller department store (gucci, prada, etc). I felt way out of my element and felt very uncomfortable. On the plus side, I managed to snag some free cologne samples, so I was content.

On the way home, my buddy and I decided to do some car shopping. Sure enough, he got the itch, and we went into Ferarri. This happened (vid)

we about that life | Facebook

So, he put a deposit down on that, after driving it he said it was the most amazing feeling ever. Probably standard. My first full day in Vancouver was turning out quite nicely.

For supper, we had a couple ladies join us, we went to the Keg, only this wasnt the keg I was used to. This was the most expensive keg i had ever seen. I had the tenderloin and dungeness crab with a long island iced tea. GG 115$ :laugh:

So we made er home after that, was kind of bored and we both got the itch to play. I went and played 2/5 like I posted about in the BAP thread. I bought in for 500:


got in a few pots, nothing crazy, was down to $400 and was up to $1375 at one point but left with a K (a BI like I predicted)

One hand was so sick, and I have to share. I have JJ in the bb, CO makes it 35 to go, I flatted and away we go. Flop comes down KKQ, check/check... turn is a J (bink). I check, he bets $75, I tank a little trying to decide if i wanna raise or call.. I decide on calling, and give him another chance to fire on the river. I v bet the brick on the river for like 100$ lol, he min repops to 200$.. This guy had such a strong aura that I sat there forever and just called instead of zipping it in like I wanted to but I thought better of it, he had KQ. Sigh. :( lost min tho


My buddy played in a 5/10/25/50 game that was just insaaaaane, the regs at this casino had deeep pokets and didnt mind giving action if ppl wanted to gamble.

Buddy bought in for 5K (all the cash he had on him) , and came home a huge winner, just steam rolled the table for 16K (ran really well)


So my first day in Vancouver was eye opening to say the least, but I loved every second of it. Expensive clothes, exotic vehicles being bought, and big cash everywhere is not something I'm used to at all, but just to experience it is just very, very cool.

more to come....


  • I just have to say this.

    Reading this thread...made me fell a little bit less of a man...oh yup there we go..there's some shrinkage.


    I'm glad you enjoyed Vancouver.
  • So sunday morning we wake up around 10 lol, and a girl came over and we went and had a nice lunch at a restaurant called Milestone's. I had the veal parm sandwich with a caesar salad and a heinikeken.

    We had a cool afternoon, we got a couple pitchers of beer and shot pool at a pool hall, just had alot of laughs and relaxed.

    this was the washroom lol, I just thought it was really neat:



    This happened when I left. i know im not the OG maddog, but trust me I earned this nick name while Ive been here, I been fucking crazy lol (click to see vid)


    We stopped at some park on the walk home (I can't remember the name), but it was sweet. People were flying kites and sun bathing and stuff, it was neat.


    Also, this park is right on the Harbour. While I was there a personal touching moment happened - I have very strong roots in the east coast (I went to school out there and have lived in every province East except quebec obv) and Im very proud to be a Newfoundlander. I went down on the slippery barnacle filled rocks and was the first person in my family to touch pacific ocean water. I dont know, I just thought it was neat.

    So we came home and crashed after having a couple to many beers, and we woke up and went right on back to the casino lol.

    I decided to rail the FT of the Ultrastack Main event and play cash later, i ordered a few beers and enjoyed myself


    There was nothing high running at all, we were trying to get something going, but everyone was nitting it up, so we both sat in at 2/5 again and I was up again, and just cashed out. My buddy got involved in the biggest 2/5 pot ive ever seen lol

    this was my buddy before the hand started, its against the kid with the pyramid in the 1 seat (it was tense and knew a pot was building so i quickly got the cam out to capture it as best i could, think i did ok)


    and after:


    I would like to note that the massage didn't stop at one point during this hand lol (Oh, and in case u are wondering, my bud flopped top set, they got it in on the turn, kid had aces, sick cooler for a 855 BB pot haha)

    Overall sunday was a success , my buddy was up like 25K since ive been there, ferarri being purchased and I met a couple really nice girl friends of his lol, I was looking forward to monday...
  • anddddddddd... it's gone.

    But nice Terry Foxish moment.. just in reverse.
  • Monday (today) was by far the most uneventful day of the trip.

    We actually made it home before midnight last night and were up before 8am (fucking amazing for poker players obv). we had to drive across town to get a sound system put in his beemer. We decided to take the SeaBus back into yaletown


    There was a huuuge cruise ship in port that I thought was really neat:


    We came home and went back up to Ferarri, checked up on the car, (the dealership is still working out the final details of exporting it, taxes here (HST), state tax when he goes home, changing the odometer cluster, duty, black rims he wants done custom for it lol, alot of stuff has to happen before he gets the keys, and he wont get it before I fly home tomorrow :(

    As for tonight, We just chilled and got Dominoes and watched the country music awards lol , a girl came over, I went out to get gatorade and got super lost, so I was choked, but all in all I made it back ok, and here I am.

    tomorrow, ill try and get as many pics as I can, and finish up my TR when I land home tomorrow.

    That's all for now, sorry if im all over the place, I hope u like my TR.

  • Macke wrote: »
    I just have to say this.

    Reading this thread...made me fell a little bit less of a man...oh yup there we go..there's some shrinkage.


    I'm glad you enjoyed Vancouver.
    Macke wrote: »
    anddddddddd... it's gone.

    But nice Terry Foxish moment.. just in reverse.

    lol yeah it is by far the sickest city ive ever been to, its so friggen clean , way way way cleaner then toronto. Its almost overwhelming how amazing it is here, im seriously thinking of moving out here after the world series.
  • Cooool.

    Do it, Do it.
  • I read it all, also this line x2 was interesting 'a girl came over'. The game your buddy played in is a double straddle?
  • literation wrote: »
    I read it all, also this line x2 was interesting 'a girl came over'. The game your buddy played in is a double straddle?

    yeah, double mandatory
  • Nice TR...if your buddy has all this money go to a decent restaurant and not a chain FFS...some great seafood restaurants and oyster bars right near you
  • Next time you must go to the trap n gill.
  • Also, even most live players aren't horrid enough to get in 400bb with an overpair...glad your buddy found one of the worst to flop a set against deep
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Nice TR...if your buddy has all this money go to a decent restaurant and not a chain FFS...some great seafood restaurants and oyster bars right near you
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    Also, even most live players aren't horrid enough to get in 400bb with an overpair...glad your buddy found one of the worst to flop a set against deep

    I wasn't a mooch, I paid my own food and everything, and I voiced my displeasure on paying ridic prices at high end places lol and he was cool with it. Everywhere else we ate was delicious (even mcdonalds :D )

    Also, with his image, there is like nothing wrong with getting a million beibers in with the board texture there was

    I found the 2/5 game I reg-ed in while I was there played alooot deeper than I was used to, it was more like a 10/20 with ppl opening 4-6x constantly. Made my 100bb stack tough to play (couldn't really peel cards) , but I found good spots and flops and I paid for my whole trip in about 8 hours of grinding, so I was pleased.
  • costanza wrote: »
    I wasn't a mooch, I paid my own food and everything, and I voiced my displeasure on paying ridic prices at high end places lol and he was cool with it. Everywhere else we ate was delicious (even mcdonalds :D )

    Also, with his image, there is like nothing wrong with getting a million beibers in with the board texture there was

    I found the 2/5 game I reg-ed in while I was there played alooot deeper than I was used to, it was more like a 10/20 with ppl opening 4-6x constantly. Made my 100bb stack tough to play (couldn't really peel cards) , but I found good spots and flops and I paid for my whole trip in about 8 hours of grinding, so I was pleased.

    How did the betting go?
  • Macke wrote: »
    How did the betting go?

    They were superrrrrrrr deep, it was a 4 or 5 bet pot pre, 3 bet flat flop, crammed turn for not all that much really, hand was actually pretty standard
  • costanza wrote: »
    They were superrrrrrrr deep, it was a 4 or 5 bet pot pre, 3 bet flat flop, crammed turn for not all that much really, hand was actually pretty standard

    So your buddy misplayed a pair pre got lucky and won:)

    Re: restaurants -- interesting/unique places don't have to be expensive...I just love cool food, but prob not as much when I was your age..at least try a Japadog
  • Antons baby!

    But that's in North Burnaby >_>
  • Made it home almost without a hitch, left my phone in the limo FFFUUUUUUUUUUU

    hopefully grab that tomorrow

    today consisted of nothing at all except me travelling and getting retardedly drunk on the plane and then I got REALLLY gunned in Winnipeg during the layover, but then the TSN turning point happened.

    We got into Toronto and it was a disaster, apparently there was glass all over the tarmac so we flew in circles for a while, then when we did land it took like 45 mins to get the baggage, I was so tilted it was a whole new level for me, especially because I hadn't had a cigarette in over 10 hours, which is a new world record for me.

    Im just glad to be home, have a couple weeks to grind online and build a bit bigger of a roll, then vegas, then we will see where life takes me.

    thanks for reading this thread, I hope this was at least somewhat interesting for some of you, this is more for me to reference in the future and i can reflect on the best 5 days ive had in a long time. Couldnt have happened at a better time, my mind is clear and free of all the IRL stress I had before going.

    Cheers guys.
  • costanza wrote: »
    Made it home almost without a hitch, left my phone in the limo FFFUUUUUUUUUUU

    1st world problems ;)
    good trip
  • welp, been home 4 days and it looks like im going back, and staying until vegas and maybe probably after

    I just got a new place, and dropped a bundle on it, but I think this line is way more +EV at the current state my life is with the wife and i separating for a little while and im a total wreck (more than i thought I would be)

    stay tuned...
  • Back to Lower mainland?

    Where abouts?
  • details and shit are being worked out now

    all i know is i cant stay here for much longer... im just very unhappy. id like to get a place in yaletown, but paying 2K a month for a 1 bedroom apartment seems -EV to me, im looking at places and contemplating my next move
  • Come out to the Burbs...come to Burnaby home of former NHL great Joe Sakic and Back to the Future star Michael J Fox.

    But seriously..it's half the cost of what you'd pay downtown... and only a 10 minute skytrain ride to get downtown... I myself live in the Metrotown area.
  • Haha, good stuff costanza!
  • lol nice bump
  • ...but paying 2K a month for a 1 bedroom apartment seems -EV [/QUOTE]

    How about paying me the $215 you borrowed from me you Clown. Loser with a capital 'L'
  • Good bump.

    I miss the GTA vs Fed thing..
  • IamJoFay wrote: »
    ...but paying 2K a month for a 1 bedroom apartment seems -EV

    How about paying me the $215 you borrowed from me you Clown. Loser with a capital 'L'[/QUOTE]

    You would have been better off setting that $$$ on fire . . . it ain't NEVER coming back.
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