Movies Where the Villain Wins

Just watched the movie "Buried" and loved the ending. Any movie where the ending is completely realistic and unhappy is good filmmaking.

Any other ones out there?

Im not talking about sad endings, just endings where the hero loses.

I can think of:

Arlington Road
The Departed.



  • The Mist . . .

    Usual Suspects.

    Memento . . . that's all I got.
  • American Beauty
    Romeo and Julliet
    West Side Story
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Romeo and Julliet

    err, this was more sad (lovers / suicide / mishap) than it was shocking.

    I wasnt left feeling like OMG THAT JUST HAPPENED.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    American Beauty
    Romeo and Julliet
    West Side Story

    Your last two are pretty much the same thing. Forgot all about Beauty, though . . .
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Just watched the movie "Buried" and loved the ending. Any movie where the ending is completely realistic and unhappy is good filmmaking.

    Any other ones out there?

    Im not talking about sad endings, just endings where the hero loses.


    Last Season's Stanley Cup Finals?
  • Milo, I owe you a beer next time I see you :)
  • Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry
    Godfather Part III
  • One of my favourites and a must see for all degens....

  • Book of Eli
    Schindlers List
    Old Yeller
    Empire Strikes Back
    The Wild Geese
    Forest Gump
  • Pay It Forward was all like "WTF! No way!" for me.

    EDIT: Primal Fear and Fight Club! 2 Great roles for Ed Norton.

    Also Silence of the Lambs.
  • The Crying Game
  • New jersey city drive
  • The Karate Kid
  • Pay It Forward was all like "WTF! No way!" for me.

    EDIT: Primal Fear and Fight Club! 2 Great roles for Ed Norton.

    Also Silence of the Lambs.

    You could add American History X to that list as well.

    I should include Bring it On as well. I hope that didn't spoil it for those of you who have not seen the Kirsten Dunst cheerleader movie.
  • +1 to primal fear, seven, and arlington road

    i'll suggest brazil as well. great post apocalyptic movie. also fallen with denzel washington.

    EDIT: oh man, how could i forget one of my favorites - quarantine - if you like zombie type movies.
  • The Cincinnati Kid
  • The Wicker Man
  • Ocean's 11, the original version with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. and the rest of the Rat Pack. The remake took great advantage of those who saw the original and used its ending to provide a surprising and crucial twist in the new version.
  • +1 to Fallen Trigs. That was the one I thought of too. Never listened to "Time is on my side" the same way ever again lol.

    Also, The Game with Michael Douglas.
  • Holy ****! Shar's alive!
  • moose wrote: »
    Book of Eli
    Schindlers List

    Book of Eli - Protagonist dies, but the villain does not win.
    Schindler's List - He saved as many as he could, didn't he?
  • I want to say Mr. Frost with Jeff Goldblum, as I believe he win's in the end. But it's been a long time since I saw the flick.
  • thought of some more:
    • one flew over the cuckoo's nest
    • memento
    • natural born killers
    • a clockwork orange
    • blair witch and blair witch 2 (i know what you're thinking, but i actually thought the sequel wasn't too bad)
  • There Will Be Blood. Daniel Day Lewis, best male actor in the universe
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