
  • just watched a women right activist talk about's cliff notes...

    Increase child porn
    Threat to the fabric of society
    Not good for families, and Canadians like families
    You might have brothels in your condo, because brothels can go everywhere now
    Its a step towards modern day slavery
    Drugs sex and abuse
    Organized crime will suddenly move in and run the brothels once they are legal
    Its naive to think women can or will run their own brothels
    Leads to increase in people trafficking
    Nobody is forcing these women on the streets
    Experience shows its not going to be safer indoors than on the streets
    No amount of charter is going to increase safety
    Increase vulnerability
    Fact: Prostitution is a dangerous activity
    It's great in theory to separate drugs prostitution and abuse
    In fact: these (past) laws are to protect women, families, commercial buildings, and peoples properties, if you remove them then all the protection is removed.
    Canada signed covenants with the UN requiring us to eradicate the sex trade
    Many prostitute groups and past prostitute groups have told our government drugs, sex, and abuse go together
    Going to involve a lot of confusion
    Make prostitution illegal
    The federal government can come to rescue

    A spokesperson for the proposed change said (paraphrased): We know the sex trade can be dangerous, thats not an insightful comment....these laws (before this change) are hurting people and making things worse
  • darbday wrote: »
    just watched a women right activist talk about's cliff notes...

    Increase child porn
    Threat to the fabric of society
    Not good for families, and Canadians like families
    You might have brothels in your condo, because brothels can go everywhere now
    Its a step towards modern day slavery
    Drugs sex and abuse
    Organized crime will suddenly move in and run the brothels once they are legal
    Its naive to think women can or will run their own brothels
    Leads to increase in people trafficking
    Nobody is forcing these women on the streets
    Experience shows its not going to be safer indoors than on the streets
    No amount of charter is going to increase safety
    Increase vulnerability
    Fact: Prostitution is a dangerous activity
    It's great in theory to separate drugs prostitution and abuse
    In fact: these (past) laws are to protect women, families, commercial buildings, and peoples properties, if you remove them then all the protection is removed.
    Canada signed covenants with the UN requiring us to eradicate the sex trade
    Many prostitute groups and past prostitute groups have told our government drugs, sex, and abuse go together
    Going to involve a lot of confusion
    Make prostitution illegal
    The federal government can come to rescue

    Wow...a lot of fear mongering going on right there

    FACT - is the OLDEST occupation.
    FACT - it will ALWAYS be around
    FACT - nothing can be done about it that will satisfy everyone
    FACT - get you heads out of your asses

    Legalize it. Tax it. And give these people the protection and rights they require without fear of reprisals from law or governments.
  • darbday wrote: »
    just watched a women right activist talk about's cliff notes...

    Ironic, cause they always spout a "Woman's right to chose" :D
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Tax it.
    Taxes started shortly after Jesus smashed the money table in the Jesuit temple
  • hold on a second......

    Womens rights?
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Ironic, cause they always spout a "Woman's right to chose" :D
    yup...but old lady's talking are crazy and shouldn't be allowed anything
  • ^^^ Wetts needs to see things from a woman's point of view.....

    The kitchen window.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    hold on a second......

    Womens rights?
    Guessing ur Olady doesn't even know you play poker.

    #just laying there and getting money thrown at you....just kidding


    no im not yes i am judy grimes take over thread
  • darbday wrote: »
    Taxes started shortly after Jesus smashed the money table in the Jesuit temple

    Taxes predate Jesus by several hundred years actually. And sex-for-trade predates taxes
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Taxes predate Jesus by several hundred years actually. And sex-for-trade predates taxes
    yup but until then we paid taxes to the religious deity:confused:

    edit: pompeii was a giant sex town where the baker had an icon of a big balled figure and then replaced it with a cross...
  • darbday wrote: »
    edit: pompeii was a giant sex town where the baker had an icon of a big balled figure and then replaced it with a cross...

    Its on my coffee table now.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Its on my coffee table now.
    If there was Jewish money on that table Jesus would smash not making fun of him....:-\

    Also, just heard a quote from a Conservative in the Fed parliment house "The law is the the law" not sure where the bold and italics go.

    Edit: also is poker more legal in countries that draw more overseas winnings?

    KW = godess = jim carrey
  • I can't for the life of me figure out which side of the argument Darb is on. Am I too baked, or not baked enough?
  • I can't for the life of me figure out which side of the argument Darb is on. Am I too baked, or not baked enough?

  • I can't for the life of me figure out which side of the argument Darb is on. Am I too baked, or not baked enough?
    im on jesus's and the prostitutes' sides
  • darbday wrote: »
    im on jesus's and the prostitutes sides

  • The law as currently written is still in force for the next year, allowing the government time to appeal and/or write in the amendments demanded by the Court. This legal challenge was inevitable after the Pickton case where it was demonstrably proven that "forcing" prostitutes into the streets made them easy targets for that sick bastard.

    We all know government likes there tax money so I would suggest we will see amendments to the laws, and another new source of revenue for the thieves at Queen's Park. It beggars the imagination, though, how the government waits until they are dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century . . . I mean, Dwight Duncan said it best: PROHIBITION DOES NOT WORK.
  • Vices are not Crimes.

    Applies to poker of course as well as prostitution.

    "For a government to declare a vice to be a crime, and to punish it as such, is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things. It is as absurd as it would be to declare truth to be falsehood, or falsehood truth."
  • Casino coming to Toronto...
    Legalized Brothels...
    Soon to be legalized POT...

  • Women are officially the rake....
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Casino coming to Toronto...
    Legalized Brothels...
    Soon to be legalized POT...


    Free booze?
  • moose wrote: »
    Free booze?

    That's what Mark's place is for! Although, you could probably get all that stuff at his place even before the law came into place.
  • Women are officially the rake....

    In the poker game of life, women are the rake.

  • Anyone know when the first Brothel will open? not that i plan to go or anything, however this is one of those situations where i imagine it's better to be the first one in, then the last one out. :)
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Anyone know when the first Brothel will open? not that i plan to go or anything, however this is one of those situations where i imagine it's better to be the first one in, then the last one out. :)

    You don't want sloppy seconds. Although, it's probably too late for that too...
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Anyone know when the first Brothel will open? not that i plan to go or anything, however this is one of those situations where i imagine it's better to be the first one in, then the last one out. :)

    Hell, Greg...I'm opening up a new place within the next year or so :D


    LOVE my new life!!:D:D:D:D
  • holychow wrote: »
    You don't want sloppy seconds. Although, it's probably too late for that too...

    Yeah, like virgins are getting their first job in a brothel.....and brothel goers are holding out for virgins.
  • Gotz da hooka's, now need da blow.

    play safe my friends (in a year or so)

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