Scoop bap
Small SCOOP BAP (14 events)
Selling 40%
1% = $5 (max 10% / person)
#rungood squad
Steve Kerr 5% - Pd
Str82ace 4% - Pd
kwsteve 2% - Pd
reibs 2% - pd
eetee 1% - pd
westside 5% - Pd
JohnnieH 5% - Pd
Wolff 2% - Pd
compuease 1% PD
rwpkrplr 2% - Pd
Pinhead 2% - Pd
jontm 3% - Pd
costanza 6% - Pd
GTA Poker 1% Karma Share
Selling 40%
1% = $5 (max 10% / person)
#rungood squad
Steve Kerr 5% - Pd
Str82ace 4% - Pd
kwsteve 2% - Pd
reibs 2% - pd
eetee 1% - pd
westside 5% - Pd
JohnnieH 5% - Pd
Wolff 2% - Pd
compuease 1% PD
rwpkrplr 2% - Pd
Pinhead 2% - Pd
jontm 3% - Pd
costanza 6% - Pd
GTA Poker 1% Karma Share
Anybody else who would like this "feature" added, please send $5. to xxxxx
5% for johnnie
Edit: I will tack it on to the transfer for you and gta after my bap is done
And i was Hanging a towel bar actually...
34% sold
6% remains
Ill "scoop" (pun intended) the rest if its cool that I ship after my BAP is over for simplicity reasons lol
cool, just remind me on here or on FB before it starts
glglglgl horsie
will do
got it
Man you guys ship early.
just cleared a 50$ bonus tonight so I figured what the hell
turn it into a couple hundo for me, ok?
Added 1 new event that was not in the original schedule. The Main Event is now a $109 instead of an $82.
Total BI = $510 (I'll eat the $10 lol), so all percentages stay the same
P* (Hobbes614) or EMT
oops. missed page 2. never mind.