Canadian Poker Tour fail



  • The posters they were blasting all over facebook couldn't even spell "Canada" correctly.."Cananda"...ffs....

    I see they have since changed them.

  • It seems to me that something like the CPT could be interesting if it were a bare-bones thing. Instead of organizing tournaments, work out a deal to co-brand one tournament in existing series and gather the results for a points table. If it were done right there would be enough positives for casinos and card rooms to participate with literally no additional overhead for them.

    A central "tour" like this would offer a few things: a positive voice for the B&M poker industry across Canada (media relations), a way for local card rooms to have some national promotion for their existing events/series, and (this would be the big one) a way for these events to offer online satellites for their big events. This last could obviously be opt-in so gov't run rooms with conflicts could decline.

    You'd have to be able to say to the casinos - "you do almost nothing, just give us the dates of your events and the results of those tourneys and we'll do a little (to start, and more later) to spread the word of your events across Canada."

    Finding the online partner would be a challenge (since really only Stars and Party are relevant - plus the QC/BC online rooms).
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