
  • Ship them all to Vancouver! Disgusted by the whole event. Grow up you bunch of mommaboys!
  • lol at referring to the area as a "Student Enclave" the PC term for "Student Ghetto" :D
  • bonk em all!
  • I have to wonder where the hell were the water canons.
  • "This is probably the reason why older people think we're irresponsible," [Oscar] said. "This kind of stuff gives us young kids a bad reputation."

    Naaaaa. Ya think?
  • Never trust anyone under 30 . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Never trust anyone under 30 . . .

    Phew! Looks like I'm flying under your radar then!
  • Who says I trust you?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Never trust anyone under 30 . . .

    fuck...he's on to me
  • I'm amazed that a Fanshawe student figured out how to make fire!
  • Check the pictures for Peteski.

    Honestly I think the average Canadian just wants to see the cops go in there and break some heads.
  • Nope . . . but I would like to see them all prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and the parents of any minors made to pay restitution along with the (alleged) adults.
  • In riots like that how do you even make arrests?

    I got alooot of friends go to fanshawe and every single one of them is ashamed today... after I ridiculed them of course :D
  • costanza wrote: »
    In riots like that how do you even make arrests?

    I got alooot of friends go to fanshawe and every single one of them is ashamed today... after I ridiculed them of course :D

    gather up all the video you can find.
    Get warrant for student card pics from Fanshawe.
    Run through facial recognition
    Make arrests.
    ez game
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    gather up all the video you can find.
    Get warrant for student card pics from Fanshawe.
    Run through facial recognition
    Make arrests.
    ez game

    You forgot: Get the ones you nail first to roll on the others that were involved.
  • hopefully the fed's make the right moves and hold those guilty accountable for their terrible actions

    makes the whole province and country look like shit

    very tilting
  • Doubt very much this is a federal offence . . . more likely the provincial courts will deal with these yahoos.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Doubt very much this is a federal offence . . . more likely the provincial courts will deal with these yahoos.

    Followed by civil courts.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Ship them all to Vancouver! Disgusted by the whole event. Grow up you bunch of mommaboys!

    How about Montreal? They have had more hockey riots than Vancouver..
  • DennisG wrote: »
    How about Montreal? They have had more hockey riots than Vancouver..

    Don't get all sassy on Montreal just because their team wins more than any other.

  • DennisG wrote: »
    How about Montreal? They have had more hockey riots than Vancouver..

    Good plan. I mean, the city will have nothing to do in April anyways!

    Just bazinga'd a city and a religion in one shot. Yay me :D
  • Fatwa on Cerb?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Good plan. I mean, the city will have nothing to do in April anyways!

    Just bazinga'd a city and a religion in one shot. Yay me :D


  • compuease wrote: »
    bonk em all!

    Or is it BINK em all?
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Don't get all sassy on Montreal just because their team wins more than any other.


    I am a Habs fan actually..
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