Sexy offer time....



  • compuease wrote: »
    Lol, volunteers?

    Step to the front screenman . . . or, you know, STFU.
  • I think Beanie's post is actually, at the core, compatible with my own.

    At the core, I can accept that left / right wingers are going to have different mindsets about certain things. Combine the fact that people in general concern themselves with themselves, and nobody's going to agree as to what is fiscally ideal.

    BUT, my point in this was that Bill C10 is wasteful, ineffectual, and potentially harmful. It serves only to give +PR to the PC. This time next election they can boast how there's (insert number) more "dangerous" criminals in jails.

    Further, the post earlier about how large a % of people are employed by guard duty. Please tell me you're using this as an example AGAINST imprisonment? I mean, if 50% of our population was employed as police officers, that would mean we have a fuck tonne of crime! So, 25% are on guard duty to mean means TOO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE IN JAIL!

    (again, I refer to the stat that I posted about 96% of all parolees being in accordance with - read following / not breaking the law - their orders).


    P.S. - I'm not as far left as some may think.
  • Isn't the United States the most heavily incarcerated country in the world? I may envy some of the things they have in the United States but I don't envy that.

    To hopefully remember correctly another Sci Fi piece, admittedly not as good as Charles Stross stuff, I mention The Stainless Steel Rat. In SSR Jim DiGriz mistakenly concludes to be a good criminal he must be caught and go to jail to learn from other criminals.

    Jail / prison is the bucket where the loser criminals go. The genius criminals are still out and and about, possibly running companies or in elected positions:

    ( Sometimes I hate being right - Charlie's Diary

    leads to:

    Brian Basham: Beware corporate psychopaths )
  • screenman wrote: »
    If one inocent man must die to take 10 killers off our streets it is a small price to pay.

    Please tell me that you're joking....or that you have recently suffered a blow to the head.
  • My favourite quote from a politician this week comes from Dwight Duncan who, when announcing the expansion of gaming in this province said, "prohibition doesn't work". Maybe he should walk down the hall and talk to the Attorney General for this Province, and then put a call in to Ottawa.
  • Very interesting thread!

    I invite all interested parties to join me in my anarchism/ anarcho-libertarianism and oppose all government.
    Yes that includes both the police and the courts.

    ps What does it say about me that I was a bit disappointed that a "sexy offer time" from DrTyore was actually a post about politics with a serious point? Hmmmm
  • Mike, I think you might have a better chance of survival in a Minarchist regime . . . ymmv.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Step to the front screenman . . . or, you know, STFU.

    I stay far from the line between good and evil, and have no need to worry. Except for the criminal activity of gaming and even that I do in a government sanctioned way. (mostly) I will volunteer if I must die to save poker just like the soldiers that defend our country and are treated as collateral damage by those in charge.
  • screenman wrote: »
    I stay far from the line between good and evil, and have no need to worry. Except for the criminal activity of gaming and even that I do in a government sanctioned way. (mostly) I will volunteer if I must die to save poker just like the soldiers that defend our country and are treated as collateral damage by those in charge.

    So, I assume in your picture there, you're the fish and poker is the government bodies trying to get internet poker?
  • screenman wrote: »
    I stay far from the line between good and evil, and have no need to worry. Except for the criminal activity of gaming and even that I do in a government sanctioned way. (mostly) I will volunteer if I must die to save poker just like the soldiers that defend our country and are treated as collateral damage by those in charge.

    Sorry, that will not do . . . you said it was acceptable that one innocent man die in order that we might get 10 guilty ones. I am saying, "you first". Using your statement, and your follow-up, this should be acceptable to you. Or did you mean some "other" innocent man?

    No sir, the State should NEVER have the power of life or death over the individual citizen, regardless of how heinous that individual's crimes.
  • Milo wrote: »
    State creates hideous man
  • No, you merely deleted everything and added your own nonsensical statement. Next time, take the credit for your own gibberish, do not try and pass it off on someone else.
  • Milo wrote: »

    No sir, the State should NEVER have the power of life or death over the individual citizen, regardless of how heinous that individual's crimes.

    While I agree there are quite a few banging the drums this week as the Michael Rafferty trial details riddle the news.
  • While I agree there are quite a few banging the drums this week as the Michael Rafferty trial details riddle the news.

    Yup, and that is why this is EXACTLY the wrong time to be talking about the Death Penalty. Emotions should not be a consideration when enacting legislation. It makes for bad law.
  • Sorry to those who take this seriously. I stopped that 20 years ago. Now I help those I choose during election by volunteering to phone put up signs and organize. The beauty and horror of democracy and majority rule is that more than half the people will be dissappointed. Of those 80% did not even get involved with the process.
  • screenman wrote: »
    Now I help those I choose during election by volunteering to phone

    Hey...are you the Robo-Caller??

    Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood of this thread. My opinions have not changed one iota, and I respect the opinions of all who have bothered to comment, even if they are not in line with my own.


    I'm KIDDING!!!:)
  • Screenman . . . as I am sure you know, levity and tone are not really translatable as easily in this format as they are in direct conversation. I should have known better, considering the source. Please accept my apology if my response offended and, if it did not, I guess I'll try harder next time. j/k
  • Sir Bedevere: No, no. What else floats in water?
    Peasant 1: Bread.
    Peasant 2: Apples.
    Peasant 3: Very small rocks.
  • A duck !!!
  • Milo wrote: »
    Please accept my apology if my response offended and, if it did not, I guess I'll try harder next time. j/k

    None taken Milo. I enjoy your post. You are one of the few beacons of sanity.
  • screenman wrote: »
    None taken Milo. I enjoy your post. You are one of the few beacons of sanity.

    More sarcasm? :D
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