Bout time I hit one of these

PokerStars - $8+$0.80|600/1200 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
UTG+1: 12,753.00
MP: 45,547.00
MP+1: 24,273.00
Hero (CO): 14,053.00
BTN: 11,461.00
SB: 15,184.00
BB: 26,689.00
UTG: 9,700.00
UTG+1 posts ante 125.00, MP posts ante 125.00, MP+1 posts ante 125.00, Hero posts ante 125.00, BTN posts ante 125.00, SB posts ante 125.00, BB posts ante 125.00, UTG posts ante 125.00, SB posts SB 600.00, BB posts BB 1,200.00
Pre Flop: (pot: 2800.00) Hero has K:spade: K:heart:
fold, fold, fold, MP+1 raises to 2,580.00, Hero raises to 6,000.00, fold, fold, fold, MP+1 raises to 24,148.00 and is all-in, Hero calls 7,928.00 and is all-in
Flop: (30656.00, 2 players) K:club: A:spade: 8:club:
Turn: (30656.00, 2 players) K:diamond:
River: (30656.00, 2 players) Q:diamond:
MP+1 shows A:diamond: A:heart: (Full House, Aces full of Kings) (Pre 82%, Flop 96%, Turn 2%)
Hero shows K:spade: K:heart: (Four of a Kind, Kings) (Pre 18%, Flop 4%, Turn 98%)
Hero wins 30,656.00


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