Why Freedom Wins . . .

Photos from the former East Germany, followed by photos from the same locations 10 years after the Wall came down. Pretty cool photo essay, and a nice reminder of what Freedom brings . . .

Reunification Renovations: A Massive Facelift for Eastern Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International


  • did you create this just so i would say that no man is free unless all men are free?
  • Nope . . . I posted it to show the difference between a country that is enslaved, and a country that has thrown off chains of oppression. the comparison is rendered more stark by the fact that they are one and same nation.

    I will offer a hat-tip to the triumvirate of Reagan, Thatcher, and the Pope . . . just because I know it will stir the pot.
  • Milo wrote: »
    . just because I know it will stir the pot.
    knew it!!!
  • darbday wrote: »
    knew it!!!

    Did you? Or did I merely post that addendum to allow you to justify your own preconceived notions about this thread?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Did you? Or did I merely post that addendum to allow you to justify your own preconceived notions about this thread?
    so nice of you....

    do we really want to get into it though?
  • We're there already. Or . . . are we?
  • you know this all leads into my proof for the universal theory of everything right ....

    but we gotta be really sure we wanna get into it....what if we realize we aren't free?
  • The idea that Ronald Reagan's manly stare brought down the communist empire does not pass the smell test. Communism is not, as some would claim, good in theory but bad in practice. As a matter of fact, there is no such thing a theory that is good theoretically but not in reality. The mark of a theory is how well it translates to reality. Communism failed because absent a price structure derived from market activities there is simply no way to rationally allocate scarce resources. Reagan was a fraud. He preached limited government, ran a campaign saying he was going to eliminate the department of education. And what did he do? He doubled it's size! He was a pathetic bully that invaded tiny island nations, a half wit who was barely cogniscant of his surroundings, and while he talked about 'getting the government off our backs' he expanded nixon's war on drugs and jammed government down our throats. Reagan was no friend of liberty.
  • Not denying anything you posted, Meistro . . . but some of his foreign policy decisions helped to contribute to the final collapse of the Soviet system, and the removal of the Wall. Thatcher's alignment with Reagan, and the Pope's actions were also contributing factors in furthering that collapse.
  • Have you seen 'Iron Lady' yet? For some reason watching British people in movies is incredibly annoying to me. I guess I've just been thoroughly Americanized.
  • No . . . I'll wait for it to leave the theatres, but i do want to see it.
  • Meistro wrote: »
    As a matter of fact, there is no such thing a theory that is good theoretically but not in reality.
    Did someone mention illogics? I think there is such thing. When I teach JJ im constantly explaining times where theoretically something is true (mathematically even) but in reality it doesn't work that way. Likely has to do with chaos theory and fractals. I'm talking about applying wrestling techniques and the like. But certainly at the upper ends of our knowledge in quantum physics etc. we have theories that are airtight and solid but don't hold up in reality. :confused:

    As for the thread I don't know anything about the players involved in op's comments. But the word 'freedom' was something were taught that we have. Its only on the condition that we create invisible boundaries between people and see ourselves as free and 'them' as not.

    We are only free so long as we separate ourselves from others and don't question our freedom. The moment you refuse to accept false boundaries and false authorities it becomes clear we are not free.

    Nobody is free in this world.....happy, living without intense violence etc. maybe but nobody is free and we don't understand what freedom is.....we were taught what it is....love your country, god keep our land, glorious and free......words spoken daily (you can't just say it and its true).
  • There are different types of freedom. My problem is that people only seem to care about their pet freedoms. So a university professor, for example, may care passionately about his academic or intellectual or social or political freedoms. He may demand the right to organize, to express himself in writing in any manner he sees fit, etc. But at the same time he will advocate that the state impose upon the economic freedoms of others, through confiscatory tax rates or the imposition of needless or harmful regulation. Conversely a partisan conservative may be a strong advocate of economic freedoms, while at the same time time looking to deny others social freedoms by, for example, advocating we lock up those who smoke or grow marijuana. Or a liberal may defend certain aspects of free speech, while attempting to fine or incarcerate those who dare speak unpalatable truths or criticize protected groups.

    Ultimately I believe (to paraphrase Dr. King Jr) that freedom is indivisible. Freedom denied anywhere is freedom denied everywhere. If they can take the fruits of our labour they can censor the news, and vice versa.
  • Absolute freedom is impossible with a modicum of intelligence...

    It is a relative term... You can not put boundaries on it..

    "One mans freedom is another mans prison" Comp, 2012..
  • "Well I believe in this, 'cause it's been tested by research . . .
    He who fucks Nuns, will later join the Church."

    Joe Strummer, 1979
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