What do you eat/drink while you grind?
Ive noticed lately that I get fatigued at the end of my sessions and lose some focus, and I think it might have something to do with my diet, as I always get my 6-7 hours every night
Generally, I find myself eating random shit that I snack on, yogurt, crackers, cookies, leftovers, sandwiches and sometimes even ice cream!
I work out a fair bit so im in decent shape, but i would really like to maintain focus more at the tables, especially when I go deep! >:D
As for beverages, I drink whatever is in the fridge; vitamin water, milk, soda, water.. recently i've been drinking coke zero and I think it's +EV because it tastes great and has no sugar, but I might be wrong on that- it could be 0ev or maybe even -EV so dont take my word on that.
What do you guys eat/drink?
Generally, I find myself eating random shit that I snack on, yogurt, crackers, cookies, leftovers, sandwiches and sometimes even ice cream!
I work out a fair bit so im in decent shape, but i would really like to maintain focus more at the tables, especially when I go deep! >:D
As for beverages, I drink whatever is in the fridge; vitamin water, milk, soda, water.. recently i've been drinking coke zero and I think it's +EV because it tastes great and has no sugar, but I might be wrong on that- it could be 0ev or maybe even -EV so dont take my word on that.
What do you guys eat/drink?
Anyways, if I wake up too late and immediately have to grind I have Kashi go lean bars and vegetable thins at my comp so I can munch on those to avoid starvation, lol.
If I go out to grab lunch I'll grab subway or shawarma, and yes, sometime's the evil mcdonalds lol, but I'm trying to avoid that as much as possible.
I live in a kinda small town, so getting schwarma's is out of the question, but i looove em
thats such a relief on the pop thing, I drank 5 coke zero's today lol
Daily diet soda tied to higher heart attack risk - Health - Diet and nutrition - msnbc.com
Not true. Please don't take bodybuilder.com as a bastion of knowledge. Aspartame does a ton of damage to not on your heart, but other vital organs such as your kidneys.
Yeah, like that.
If you want more focus, try yerba mate tea. The caffeine in it works better than that in coffee or pop or even green tea. Coffee/pop gives you that roller coaster up and down, as well as draining your adrenal glands. Green or black tea will give rolling wave of caffeine, not as high or low as coffee but still up and down. Yerba mate gives you a boost but maintains at a steady level and then slowly goes down.
Also, try eating more fish. It's good brain food. Vitamin D can help as well.
Great I've been having this: (canadian company)
NutraSea+D - 200 ml | Ascenta Health
But how big is an XL now?
Please refer to as a "superduper". I am campaigning to make this stick.
As for OP, Redbull to drink, RockStar to eat.
P.S. Artificial sweeteners are crap. You should stay away from them. They're terrible for your body and can even increase your cravings for carbs.
so that's my problem, its the turkey.....
usually just water. i try to stay away from hi carb low protein foods. Funny but home made lasagna is the best food about 1/2 hour before starting. The protein in the cheese and meat keep the blood sugars balanced as it slows absorption of the carbs etc. keeps me going 4-5 hours strong. The store bought shit has way too much pasta to good stuff ration (meat/cheese/sauce)
addicted to coffee though so hard to keep that away
If a Tourney starts at 4...have you already had dinner? (I'm joking)
You ppl are way to healthy, AM session, 3 or 4 black coffees and a diet coke.
Evening...5-10 Laker light...and microwave popcorn with franks red hot sauce on it.
Although, doing my bap this month, only 2-3 beers, otherwise the beers flo.
I got subway (cold cut combo ftw) , redbull, 5 hour energy, and miss vicky jalapeno chips on deck
chicken bacon ranch on flat bread should become a #rungood sunday ritual! :P
ya you gotta smash the subs with the miss vickys jalapeno chips, nothing better imo........
I've actually started to take 1 X 0.25mg Xanax when I'm in my set, to concentrate a lot more and tilt less. The games just seem to fly by when you take one. I try to only take it 3-4times a week though, and only on days when I want to get a large grind in, I don't want to get addicted to that shit.
I blame it all on the red bull and subway
tomorrow im going to try fiji water and protein shakes and seafood of some sort.
maybe im putting to much think into this, I dont know, but I noticed I spewed hard and punted stacks for no reason at the end of my session lol
It may be you need to cut your sessions a bit shorter. You could also try some brain games prior to starting your session, like Sudoku, to get your brain geared up rather than trying to start in top gear.
cod liver oil, protein shake, and water on deck today #rungood
salad in the fridge for supper later and chips ahoy chewey chocolate chip cookies for snacks
As much as I love Chewy Chips Ahoy, they always served me best as a celebratory snack after I won some moniez... You know, the 3 times that's happened. They really f'd up my focus about an hour after eating them. It may have had something to do with eating the entire bag over the course of 30 minutes, but that's just me guessing.
Breakfast of wrestling champions... ughhh, puke...;)