**Advice for tournament chip set and breakdown!**


So I am looking at getting a new set for my tournament season and thus far have found myself liking the Milano chips. The thing I need to know is how many chips I should be getting for the tournament style I run.

I have 27 seats available, havnt needed more than 2 tables YET. I have a starting stack of 5,000 chips, rebuys allowed at 5,000 chips and an add on of 3,000 in chips.

I came to a breakdown as follows to cover the tournament in chips and not have to spend too much money to buy a full 1,000 piece set if less will do.

I broke it down like this

$25 - 8
$100 - 8
$500 - 4
$1000 - 2

To cover 27 players I will need the following breakdown in chips.

$25 - 8 x 27 = 216 or 225 for the rolls of 25.
$100 - 8 x27 = 216 or 225
$500 - 4 x 27 = 108 or 125
$1000 - 2 x 27 = 54 or 75

Then one roll of $5,000 chips to cover rebuys, add ons and chip ups.

This will give me a total chip count of 675 total chips.

Does this seem reasonable to cover my tournament that hasnt needed all 3 tables yet, but still give me room that if 3 tables are needed I will have enough to cover?


  • I would suggest an extra roll of 1k chips for the add-ons (3k add-on). As for the breakdown, I will let wiser heads comment.

    Question: Do you use antes?
  • That is why I got the 5k stack, to cover rebuys add ons and chip ups. Assuming I have all 27 players there with a 30 % rebuy and 80% add on this should cover no? am I way off here?

    I really want to keep the price in check and yet cover all the bases with regards to rebuys and add ons.

    How about another roll of 5k and that sure surely cover rebuys add ons and chip ups?
  • Cannot ues a 5k chip for a 3k add-on, unless you want waste time making change every time. That is why i suggested the extra roll of 1k chips.
  • Top ups are at break anyways, so making change isnt a huge deal but you do have a point sir! I just like the flexability the 5k gves for straight rebuys!
  • Hence, 1 extra roll of each. Besides, it makes your total 700 for full racks all around. LOL
  • 25 225
    100 250 you are going to need more for colour ups
    500 150
    1000 50

    Total numberof chips 675

  • I came to a breakdown as follows to cover the tournament in chips and not have to spend too much money to buy a full 1,000 piece set if less will do.

    I broke it down like this

    $25 - 8
    $100 - 8
    $500 - 4
    $1000 - 2

    700 chips is good but ...

    Have you considered...

    Your tournaments will be run smoother if people don't have to make change as often. Bigger stacks are just more fun to play with.
    If you can swing a 1000+ chip set you can start people off with.

    $25 - 12
    $100 - 12
    $500 - 7

    Having more chips makes things much more fun!
    Have you considered getting $5000 plaques?
    Have you considered getting over sized $1000 chips?

    $25 325
    $100 325
    $500 200
    $1000 100
    $5000 50

    An even better breakdown would be

    $25 - 16
    $100 - 16
    $500 - 6

    If you can't afford plaques and 1000 chips right now then just use china clay chips for the $25 chips. Players won't mind for the lowest denomination.
  • I do agree that more chips are more fun to play with, and agree with just about everything else that you have said in your post! I like the over sized chips idea and the plaques, getting deeper in the tourney can make it fun to bring those out! However the part for right now is keeping it within a budget and getting the tournament playable. I can always order more of a specific chip, or plaques or wtv else at a later date once money can be put towards increasing the chip set. What do you think of the way it is right now to run it within a budget to get it started?

    Will it make a difference you think on people coming out if I use the stacks in which i said above? Or will people really come out more often with a bigger better chip set and stack?
  • Or will people really come out more often with a bigger better chip set and stack?

    I doubt it. People like nice chips and nice cards, but what keeps them coming back is a well run tourney with a decent format, and consistent enforcement of the rules. That is why Ching Hill is still going, along with several others on this Forum. They provide a great atmosphere, and an entertaining night for your $$$.
  • The best chip set in the world won't make up for a poorly run event. Not saying yours is poorly run, it isn't. For a new league I would concentrate on making sure everyone has fun and knows the rules. Also being a good director shows that you're prepared to keep the game at a high level of competitiveness. In time u can upgrade chips and cards and whatnot. In saying that I think u are ready for the next level of chip quality. Spending the little extra will improve the overall experience of your games

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • Thanks for the words and yah I definately would like to invest in a new set that will be a great addition to the game. As well as some tweaks in the running of the games, in time it will be a great game hopefully to the ching hill standards. Thanks for the words and might just have to order these this week and hopefully next game will have them going!
  • If you want to see another really well run game see if you can make it out to one of Buzzzards once a month tournies... His usually gets 40-45 players with an active cash game afterwards.

    Steve's, Buzzzards and AJ's are the most regularily run games although some others are Johnnieh's and Bristol St which was one of the first on here several years ago... There are others north of Toronto as well...
  • I will have to keep my eye out for those games as well then. Would like to try to make this a regular thing at my place as well, will work with the guys on here to make it the best it can be, for setup, environment and play. If you build it, they will come!

    SO they tell me anyways.
  • There is also Al's tourney friday nights at the Cave in Cambridge. $40. starts at 7 till about 1, about the same numbers as Buzzards every week. Not a real classy crowd but definitely some bad players = high variance..
  • Will have to check that game out then sometime as well. I am variance resistant since Irunit4times. Should all fall back into check then lol.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I doubt it. People like nice chips and nice cards, but what keeps them coming back is a well run tourney with a decent format, and consistent enforcement of the rules. That is why Ching Hill is still going, along with several others on this Forum. They provide a great atmosphere, and an entertaining night for your $$$.

    I agree 100% with this!
  • Chips are on their way, found a good deal on a website for 750 chips, can choose the denoms and quantity in an aluminum case for $225. Cheapest I was able to find up until this point was $240 for those same 750 pieces excluding the case! Case I found for $20, so therefore a total of $260. That saves me $35 or $.05 per chip! I can live with that!

    Can't wait to get them now and put them in play. When I get them all I will have to post pictures.... yahooooo
  • Yes . . . yes you will. Congrats.
  • Thanks Milo. I will post as soon as I get them, hoping to have them in play for the March 3rd game! I think that may be feasible. What do you think of the price after what we looked at?
  • Post the link, and I'll let you know. Did you go with the Milanos?
  • Yes the Milanos and pm sent for the link!
  • Winnah winnah . . . chicken dinnah. Cannot wait to see the pix. Nice chips at a good price. You are on your way . . . to bankruptcy . . . LOL.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Winnah winnah . . . chicken dinnah. Cannot wait to see the pix. Nice chips at a good price. You are on your way . . . to bankruptcy . . . LOL.

    or divorce...whichever costs more
  • lol....... and it shall all begin!
  • annddd..... the chips are officially in Windsor as of today. Should be safe to say that I will have them for the next season game! Cant wait to break em in! =)

    Also, talked to the guy from outplay poker, and seems as if he is willing to price match any prices found on other websites. He would have price matched the chips that I found elsewhere, so keep that in mind guys when ordering your stuff. Check out other websites and give him a shout for a price match!
  • there should be a chip sub forum on here, i love looking and talking chips, ive got a keen interest in them over the past while

    im looking forward to the pics you are going to share!
  • Yah, there definately should be a chip forum, would soon become the most popular part of the forum in no time.
  • Chips are in Concord and will be delivered tomorrow!!! YAHTZEEEEE........ So now that I am getting my tax return this week, time to go pick up a new second table for the games. Any preference on felt colours? I already have the green version, but its also offered in Blue and Red. What do you think? Stick with green, I like the blue, or how about the red?
  • And they are in!!! Not that im EXCITED or anything.....

    Here are the pics I took of them!

    The last picture, the $.50 milanos, those werent supposed to be there, I ordered the Nile club $.50 and they sent me those! Looks like I will have to pick up the niles at straight poker this weekend!

    Cant wait to toss these new chips across the felt!
  • Why not use the Milanos. Both are a $0.50 chip, right?

    Okay, I am confused . . . the pics are of a tourney set, obv. So why did you order $0.50 chips, Nile Club or otherwise? Starting a small cash set?
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