Monaco table construction?

Hey if anyone has bought the monaco poker table from straight poker supplies and has had a chance to see how it is built or taken it apart, let me know the easiest way to get the rail off please.

I know there is a ton of staples on the bottom of the rail but I dont know what else is holding it down..

thanks for you help!


  • Maybe the people here could offer some assistance.
  • Sledgehammer should do the trick... You didn't mention, so I can only assume you don't care if it goes back together
  • was there yesterday and he said because they are made in china he has no idea how its put together..
  • well in a few months I would like to take it apart... rail, racetrack and then get down to the felt. re-do it with speed cloth and then add a custom wood track on and then maybe set the rail on top of wall type side like some high end tables have. so make like a mash up of this monaco with my own style.


  • most likely, that rail is held down with screws and/or glue. if you can't find any screws holding it down, then it's more than likely it's just glued on.

    are you planning to do the same type of racetrack where it's just plopped on top of the playing surface? it's going to be very hard to reuse any of the materials if you want a flush playing surface and racetrack.
  • I have that same table, just in red. Look at the cupholder picture . . . definitely glue in there.
  • I think what I want to do is take the rail and track off, then put speed cloth on it. then make a nice thin stained wood racetrack... really thin so its almost flat with the felt :) and a nice stained wood color.

    and then I want to put solid permanent legs on it so it doesnt wobble as much. I admit its pretty solid for a fold up table though!
  • in before you hate the wooden racetrack.
  • its not better then the hard white plastic veneer track thats on it now?? lol

    why dont you like the wood?
  • its not better then the hard white plastic veneer track thats on it now?? lol

    why dont you like the wood?

    lol..if you aren't already hating the noise, then maybe the wood will be ok for you. Wooden (hard) racetracks are noisy and annoying after a game or two..

    I spent a week sanding and finishing a track for an 8' table..loved how it looked, felt and sounded...until I had one home game on it..and couldn't hear a fucking thing over the constant clatter of chips on it..took the table apart the next day and covered the track too...
  • i dont mind it.. actually I think the wood would be less noise then the plastic piece thats there now.

    curious, what do you guys think about 7 foot tables.. just the right size for home games or a tad too small? I may just sell it in a bit and make a 8 footer. who knows what Ill do
  • i dont mind it.. actually I think the wood would be less noise then the plastic piece thats there now.

    curious, what do you guys think about 7 foot tables.. just the right size for home games or a tad too small? I may just sell it in a bit and make a 8 footer. who knows what Ill do

    Unless you have a full game, often, the 8 foot table takes up a lot of room, and it's a long way to chuck cards..even with ssc. I am not a big fan of mine...
  • i like 7 foot tables over 8. my ideal size is 42x84 which is the exact size of my personal table. seats 8 more than comfy.

    i say ditch the racetrack for your table, just go full felt. reuse the rail, foam and felt the entire playing surface.
  • i like 7 foot tables over 8. my ideal size is 42x84 which is the exact size of my personal table. seats 8 more than comfy.

    i say ditch the racetrack for your table, just go full felt. reuse the rail, foam and felt the entire playing surface.

    that is exactly what I'm going to do with this 1 until I decide to build another table in a few months
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