tiled vs. stacked

got a question for all you mutli-tablers out there. how do you like to set up your tables on your screen? do you prefer tiling or stacking and why? or do you prefer a staggered style (kind of a combination of both)?

personally, i like to tile. i know it limits the amount of tables i can play at one time (which isn't a huge deal since i normally only play 4 at once and any more can get a little difficult for me playing sngs), but mostly i like to be able to see the rest of the action when i fold sometimes. i feel like when i play stacked and the next table instantly pops up i'm losing out on some info i could have known.

obviously, for mtts though this might be different and stacked wouldn't be too much of a disadvantage. just curious as to what most of the multi-tabling regs use.


  • I use stacked (8 tables).
    Allows for larger tables and once you shove, you don't see the bad beat. :D
  • Combo. I run pre ante games on one monitor with 4 stacks slightly overlapping, then I have hotkeys set up for spots 1-4 on my second monitor so once antes kick in I can easily set them aside (I end up stacking them in 4 piles slightly overlapping also)
  • This is completely dependant on how many tables I'm running. I generally only go with 4-6 tables, so I prefer tile.

    I run 2 monitors (27" & 22"), so the most I could tile is 12 without making the tables tiny.

    If I was to run 8+ tables, I'd probably have to stack.
  • only tile here
  • mass tablers general play like reibs and stack with sometimes pulling out important tables. They say tiling past 20ish is crazy talk. I tile with slight overlap with 24 tables but if i want to get to 50 like the studs i'll have to re learn to stack I'm expecting
  • Stacked! Especially when I am playing A LOT of tables. But multitabling doesn't provide you enough time to really think about the hands that you are playing.
  • I've always tiled, have tried stacking but never got comfortable with it. Can be difficult on laptop over. 6 games, but, right or wrong I have a sense of being more focused with tables tiled.
  • Back when I used to put in a lot of volume, I only tiled. I've tried stacking a bunch of times and I just never got the hang of it. I'd time out on tables and not realize I was sitting out at a bunch of them. I find I can pretty comfortably tile 16 tables on a 22" monitor.
  • I used to stack when I mass tabled, but have since cut back on volume and tile mostly

    I admire the guys that can 18+ tile, that type of grinding really puts a strain on your neck, but if you are used to it, it must be alright.
  • I stack if I'm playing more than 9 tables
  • Tiled. Esp now that I don't have a laptop anymore lol
  • overall tally:
    • tiled - 8
    • stacked - 2
    • both - 3
  • Hey trigs, good thread and time of it. :)

    Is it a bad idea to tile some tables and stack tables on top of those? Say for example I tile 4 tables, I fire up 4 more games and stack those 4 over top the first 4, is this possible so tables come to the front? Would it be a lil confusing?

    Of course I have not tried this yet, but I have been thinking of doing it for some time but wanted to see what some of the experts above say. :)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Hey trigs, good thread and time of it. :)

    Is it a bad idea to tile some tables and stack tables on top of those? Say for example I tile 4 tables, I fire up 4 more games and stack those 4 over top the first 4, is this possible so tables come to the front? Would it be a lil confusing?

    Of course I have not tried this yet, but I have been thinking of doing it for some time but wanted to see what some of the experts above say. :)

  • philliivey wrote: »
    Hey trigs, good thread and time of it. :)

    Is it a bad idea to tile some tables and stack tables on top of those? Say for example I tile 4 tables, I fire up 4 more games and stack those 4 over top the first 4, is this possible so tables come to the front? Would it be a lil confusing?

    Of course I have not tried this yet, but I have been thinking of doing it for some time but wanted to see what some of the experts above say. :)

    i wouldn't consider myself an 'expert' but i do think that that would work fine. as long as you have the "send table with action to front" option or whatever it is called selected. that's actually not a bad idea. stacking only two tables on top of each other i could probably handle. might consider this for mtts.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Hey trigs, good thread and time of it. :)

    Is it a bad idea to tile some tables and stack tables on top of those? Say for example I tile 4 tables, I fire up 4 more games and stack those 4 over top the first 4, is this possible so tables come to the front? Would it be a lil confusing?

    Of course I have not tried this yet, but I have been thinking of doing it for some time but wanted to see what some of the experts above say. :)

    I have no idea who would have already mentioned this in this thread???
  • reibs wrote: »
    I have no idea who would have already mentioned this in this thread???

    You were talking about something a Little different but thanks :)
  • I have tried both and now only tile. A decent monitor/screen size and tiling 6-8 tables works well for me.
    I think that the poll of this is good but really it depends on your style of play, how much you use huds and comfort level playing many tables. If you really are playing abc poker on 12+ tables than stacking would be best but if you're playing a more dynamic game and want to follow more of the action obviously tiling would be the way you want to go.
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