showing folded cards on stars

anyone else just love this new feature on stars? i rarely if ever use it (actually i just recently changed all my settings to muck instantly just to save me some time). however, so many opponents use it quite often. i definitely don't mind seeing other people's cards. just more info for me :)


  • love it, sometimes I use it too much though lol, but I def think it can affect ur table image: whether that's for better or worse depends on how you use it/which card/s you show:)
  • yea it's great, I've seen some pretty sweet folds by some guys. some reg (obv not a very good one) folded 88 to my 16BB reship yesterday and showed :S pretty sick info
  • haha yeah I tend to use it a bit, in certain spots. But a very good feature!
  • I am a HUGE fan of it

    Edit: My friends and I have been playing like that at our homegame for years, we call it 'peepsies'
  • not so much new, think its been a good 2 months or so but for the world of online great stuff....more surprised how it took so long to show the cards your folding actually
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