Have joined the Compuease Old Fart Club; I'm a Grandfather!

Now before everyone starts asking, NO MY DAUGHTER IS NOT PREGNANT!!

This is going to take some explaining I think.

Before I met my wife, I was in another relationship (yea, shocking to know ain't it). This relationship ended but not before she become pregnant. Well, to shorten this up abit, we both gave him up for adoption (she couldn't handle it and I simply was in no position to raise a child at the time). Needless to say though, I've often wondered how he made out, if he was healthy and happy and hadn't committed any serious crimes and doing time in jail or something. Most importantly, I wanted to know if he was alive.

During a recent refinancing exercise, I came across a notice in a people search forum that said it was very important for me to get in contact. I made the call to the Waterloo region phone number...turns out, my 26 year old son would like to meet me.

After I got up from the floor and realized this was actually happening, we started emailing each other. He was adopted by an old order Mennonite couple and raised in their faith and practices, however he moved on to a newer order in his late teens, met his future wife, and are living happily just outside of Elmira. With his two children!!


Yesterday, after informing our daughter that she had another older brother, her and I went to Kitchener to meet him, have lunch, talk about everything, and meet his wife and family. Took some pics and with his permission, I would proudly like to introduce you all to my new family members.

My son. He was born Micheal Patrick, but his adopted family raised him and changed his name to Leroy. See any resemblance?
If you don't see any similarity with him, how about with him and his sister??
After a very nice lunch, I asked if it were possible to meet the rest of his family. He made a quick phone call, and we headed to Elmira. This is his wife Ruthann, with my granddaugher LaTawyna
I also have a 3 year old grandson. His name is Javen and although it took a while to warm up to me, he eventually did after Poppie's Tickle Monster attacked him.
Ada has always wanted to be an Auntie, but with her two other brothers, the likelyhood of that happening was slim. Not anymore!!
VERY cute grandkids!!
Proud Poppie!!
Father and Son. 26 years later!!

I honestly never thought I would ever meet my son, even though I have always wondered and wanted to know. I'm very happy to have had this opportunity, and I'm looking forward to our next meeting. Apparently Javen has asked his father that if Poppie comes back, will he tickle him again?



  • Congratulations, Pops . . . great pics, and a great story. I guess the only thing left to ask is . . .

    Does the kid play poker?
  • Apparently he has played, but not seriously. Mostly just for socializing with friends.
  • grats!

    man, is anyone on this site under 30 years old?
  • Great story AJ. Congrats!!
  • wow, wow, what can I say... That is so cool.... you got old real fast... congrats.
  • REALLY old...REALLY fast!! But know what? I don't mind at all ;)

    But being a grandfather @ 48?? Still too young if you ask me
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Apparently he has played, but not seriously. Mostly just for socializing with friends.

    Yup, he's your son . . . ;)
  • What a great story AJ. A good friend of mine went through a similar situation about 10 years ago. He didn't even know he had a son until the age of around 30 and has now become a significant part of this young man's life providing guidance and structure.

    Probably one of the greatest experiences of his life, if I had to ask him.

    Really, really hope this relationship grows for you both if that's the direction you choose to take it in.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Congratulations, Pops . . . great pics, and a great story. I guess the only thing left to ask is . . .

    Does the kid play poker?

    And if so, when is he going to get on here and make an appearance at a kw event? Boy will we have some stories to tell him!
  • compuease wrote: »
    And if so, when is he going to get on here and make an appearance at a kw event? Boy will we have some stories to tell him!

    lol, doubt that will happen, but you never know. I did send him a link to this thread though, so we'll see. Hey, his handle can be SON OF STR82ACE! :D

    And for the love of God, keep those stories to yourselves, you bunch of animals!
  • Really, really hope this relationship grows for you both if that's the direction you choose to take it in.

    I want it to grow, and I'm sure he does as well. After such a long time, its so good to finally know...if you know what I mean.
  • Forgot to mention these other little tidbits.

    He drives a Chevy Trailblazer. He's a diehard Chevy man, just like his old man.
    He drinks Timmies large double double...just like his old man
    He enjoys Swiss Chalet...same
    He likes to eat...yep, he's mine
    His wife makes a mean Dutch Apple Pie...my favourite!!
  • You missed the most important question, though . . .

    Is he a Bruins fan?

    I was going to ask about quirky similarities . . . I have noticed in several cases like this, that odd parallels seem to endure the separation, just like the ones you have posted.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Is he a Bruins fan?

    Sadly, no. He's not much of a hockey fan at all...but he did say he does NOT like the Habs, so at least he has good taste and intelligence :p
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Sadly, no. He's not much of a hockey fan at all...but he did say he does NOT like the Habs, so at least he has good taste and intelligence unlike his dad


    and Gratz
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Sadly, no.

    Must be a Mormon thing . . . :D <<< = just kidding.
  • Hobbes wrote: »

    and Gratz

    Go ahead and call him what he's obviously begging for AJ. If you haven't yet, it's kind of fun and you never tire of it.
  • Leroy, if you're reading this, just check under Hobbes name on the left...that should explain everything
  • Great story AJ. Congrats.
  • As an adopted child myself, I think it's great that you both found each other. Someday I will make the same journey myself, although I will probably wait until my mother passes away.

    Congrats to you and your son AJ!
  • Congrats AJ.

    Similar story - my Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Tom were married in 1950 but had a son out of wedlock that they gave up right after birth. (He was trying to be a United Church minister and it wasn't kosher at the time to have a 'bastard'). Tom passed away in August this year and in September Kathleen was contacted by their son Robert. She now has 2 more grand-daughters and 4 great-grandchildren to add to the 5 kids and 8 grand-kids she had since marriage. Although none of her 'other' grand-kids has produced the next generation yet. That was the surprise for her.

    btw - You both have the same chins. :):)
  • Congrats str8!! What an awesome story wow
  • My father-in-law was an adopted child. When he found his family, it turned out that his parents got married and had many more kids and where very open about their missing son. They even celebrated his BDay every year! They found themselves just in time as my father-in-law passed away in 2009.
  • Great story AJ !! So glad everything has worked out so well.

    I am also adopted and always thought it would be nice to let my birth parents know they made the right decision and that things turned out well.

    I did request non-identifying information a number of years ago but haven't made the next step, yet.
  • It's real nice to read some good news. The world doesn't need another Bruins fan!!

    I imagine that you AJ must be brimming not only with satisfaction now that the curiosity is finally over but with pride as well that Leroy turned out quite alright and has a beautiful family to look after.
    I hope things progress for you all. The old saying better late than never surely comes to mind here.

    And Leroy, I just want to let you know that just because your Dad loves poker, runs a league, has customs chips he is not a degener...nevermind, I actually can't say for sure.
  • I loved reading your story AJ. When I was 14 I found out that my Mother had to give a baby girl up for adoption when she was 18 ( ten years before she had me). I always thought I was an only child so I was pretty thrilled to find out I had a big sister out there. We didn't find her until I was 22. She was married with 2 sons. All of a sudden I had a sister, a brother-in-law and two nephews. She lives in Sturgeon Falls, just outside of North Bay so we don't see each other often but we make a point to visit at least once a year. We don't have the typical sibling relationship but it's pretty special to me.
    My sister made contact with us when her adoptive mother was still in her life. This lady was very supportive and understanding albeit quite nervous about the whole thing. Sadly, her adoptive mother passed away this spring but my sister was very grateful that our mother and I were there for her during that rough time.
  • Most excellent thread. Great to see the system work the way it should.

    Of course this is the area of my "Verwandter"......we could be related now AJ! ;)
  • UPDATE APRIL 4 2012

    My son and his wife are pregnant! Grandchild #3 is on the way!!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    UPDATE APRIL 4 2012

    My son and his wife are pregnant! Grandchild #3 is on the way!!

    More of you?? Great, just what the world needs. :)

    Congrats, buddy!!
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    More of you??

    What can I say...

    The FORCE is STRONG in my family. :D
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