Loving LHE Lately

After playing some 3/6 LHE to kill some time in Edmonton I realized that I really enjoy the game again. I don't think I had played a session in 6 years or so, but it was lots of fun.

I am in San Jose for work but I noticed on my way to a meeting that the Garden City Casino is 3 blocks from my hotel. I was going to go play at Bay 101 but this is 10mins closer so I checked it out. LHE is still pretty big in California. Games spread were 4 8 to 15 30 with a 20 40 kill. I played 4 hours of 15 30 and broke even and then played 3.5 hours of 8/12 with a 12 24 kill after the game broke and made $650 in that short time. Overall, it is such a relaxing and fun game compared to NLH that it's a nice change of pace. Much less anger at the table and no huge decisions. No typical NLH douches sitting with sunglasses and ipods...a much more fun a social game. I don't think that the average player has improved much since 2003 which is also helpful for making some profit.



  • I do love FLHE.

    My best night was +$700 at 5/10. :)
  • Yeah, I'm having lots of fun playing lately. The other aspect that I love is that you play way more hands an hour. The poker room here is also very well run, the floor is very friendly and helpful although I'm clearly not a regular and the food is quite good. Last night I had $1000 in $2 chips to transfer between tables when we broke down to one game and the brush actually racked all my chips for me and moved them to the new table. All the small details are done right down here. Chip runners, bright, well-lit room, great floor people and everyone seems very friendly. Living in The Bay Area probably doesn't hurt their attitudes at all.

    If I manage to move here I will likely play a balance of NLH and LHE, but it's nice to have the option within the same rooms.
  • I havent played LHE in ages, most tilting game ever lol

    If you are running good you can make a killing tho, I might have to try it out again soon, especially live.

    Does anyone know what the action is like at brantford these days? still reg infested?
  • costanza wrote: »
    I havent played LHE in ages, most tilting game ever lol

    If you are running good you can make a killing tho, I might have to try it out again soon, especially live.

    Does anyone know what the action is like at brantford these days? still reg infested?

    Ya, but so many reg's there are bad anyways
  • I've been saying LHE online is more profitable than NLHE for a while now.

    Nobody listens to me.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I've been saying LHE online is more profitable than NLHE for a while now.

    Nobody listens to me.


    He's clearly talking about live ;)
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I've been saying LHE online is more profitable than NLHE for a while now.

    Nobody listens to me.


    I think midstakes LHE online is terrible these days (from what I rarely read on 2p2) if it even runs at all. I don't play online so I can't comment from any recent experience. I'm not really commenting on profit since I've played maybe 3 days in 6 years but on the dynamics of the game and attitude of players at the tables.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    After playing some 3/6 LHE to kill some time in Edmonton I realized that I really enjoy the game again. I don't think I had played a session in 6 years or so, but it was lots of fun.

    I am in San Jose for work but I noticed on my way to a meeting that the Garden City Casino is 3 blocks from my hotel. I was going to go play at Bay 101 but this is 10mins closer so I checked it out. LHE is still pretty big in California. Games spread were 4 8 to 15 30 with a 20 40 kill. I played 4 hours of 15 30 and broke even and then played 3.5 hours of 8/12 with a 12 24 kill after the game broke and made $650 in that short time. Overall, it is such a relaxing and fun game compared to NLH that it's a nice change of pace. Much less anger at the table and no huge decisions. No typical NLH douches sitting with sunglasses and ipods...a much more fun a social game. I don't think that the average player has improved much since 2003 which is also helpful for making some profit.


    Strangely, i think i'm a better limit player than no-limit player. I seem to make fewer mistakes and when i do they don't cost me my buy-in in a single hand. It might be the ugly sister, but i'm lucky to play 5 or 6 times a year so i find it more enjoyable, especially since there tends to me more talking at the table. I dont like NLHE cash games, but i do like to play small buy in NLHE tournies either at a house or under 300$ buy ins at local casinos.
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