Fallsview poker classic $2500 and $5000

Gonna sell up to 25% of both of these. Should be a very soft tourney so Im selling at 1.2785. Selling seperatly not as a package. So for the 2500 it looks like this.....
2500x1.28= 3200
1%= $32
5% $160
For those of you that have your 1% carried over, obv dont worry about the extra $2.

Stevekerr- 1% paid
Hobbes- 1% paid
actyper- 1% paid
t8- 1% paid
Ted- 1%paid
Crazykoby- 1% paid
ottawaplayer- 1% paid
Wes- 1% paid
Shar- 1% paid

Those are the carry overs, if any of you wish not to carry it over still Ill gladly ship you the $30 that I owe you.

Stevekerr- 5% ($160)PAID
pokerjah- 4% ($128) PAID
Wes- 3% ($96) PAID
Literation- 1% ($32) PAID
GTA- 4% ($128) PAID
Wetts- 5% (swap)

ottawaplayer- 3%

The 5k works out like this....

5000x1.28= 6400
1%= $64
5%= $320

Wes- 2% ($128) PAID
Stevekerr- 5% swap
Hobbes- 1% ($64) PAID
GTA- 3% ($192) PAID
crazykoby- 2% ($128) PAID
asxn557- 2% ($128) PAID
actyper- 4% ($256) PAID
Ted- 2% ($128) PAID
masterplan- 1% ($64)
ottawaplayer- 2% ($128) PAID
suitedpair- 1% ($64) PAID


5% max....if doesnt sell out you can buy more.
One of main goals this year is to make investors some money as it hasnt seemed to work out that way yet so hopefully we will start off right here.
Gl to us all

O and send to betrthanphil on stars or cash at fallsview is fine.


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