Let a Canadian on Survivor!

Let a Canadian on Survivor!

[font=verdana, sans-serif, arial, helvetica, comic sans ms]Greetings everyone!

I'm a Canadian who is a fan of Survivor. I would apply to be on the show but they only allow American contestants. I'd like to change that rule. So I created the website www.letmeonsurvivor.com

I've been interviewed on a few radio stations across Canada so far, as well as had the site featured on MTV Canada. The petition on my website has garnered 800+ signatures from Americans and Canadians alike, and it has only been a month. I have also placed a few short films on my site, one called Survivor Canada: Ian Edition to give people a taste of what it might be like.

And so I humbly ask if you could check out my site and sign the petition. A Canadian on Survivor would make for some interesting competition, and mix up the game a bit. Let me know what you think!


got nothing better to do...so i did some web surfing and came across this...
pretty neat i think...maybe this will open doors for us Canadians :biggrin:
which way to my Igloo? :confused:


  • Let's see now, what could a Canadian contribute to Survivour and possibly win it???

    1) Survive harsh winters
    2) Brutal taxes
    3) Having to listen to boisterous Americans who think they are better, meanwhile we just smile inwardly knowing the actual fact
    4) Surviving a winter WITHOUT hockey
    5) Having to endure the endless ramblings of grown men and women who we actually voted into Parliment to act like eight year children

    Yep, sounds like we all qualify for the show to me. But of course, you just KNOW they will never allow it. Hell, we beat them at hockey....beating them at their own silly REALITY show would be just too much from for most of them 'MERICANS.

    Besides, they might just decide that our hockey sticks could be used as weapons of mass destruction and declare war on us...then we would have to beat their asses back to the border AGAIN.

    I AM CANADIAN!!! I AM A SURVIVOUR ALREADY!!!! Especially since I'm the best kind of Canadian.......NEWFIE!!!!!!!!!!
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Let's see now, what could a Canadian contribute to Survivour and possibly win it???

    1) Survive harsh winters
    2) Brutal taxes
    3) Having to listen to boisterous Americans who think they are better, meanwhile we just smile inwardly knowing the actual fact
    4) Surviving a winter WITHOUT hockey
    5) Having to endure the endless ramblings of grown men and women who we actually voted into Parliment to act like eight year children

    Yep, sounds like we all qualify for the show to me. But of course, you just KNOW they will never allow it. Hell, we beat them at hockey....beating them at their own silly REALITY show would be just too much from for most of them 'MERICANS.

    Besides, they might just decide that our hockey sticks could be used as weapons of mass destruction and declare war on us...then we would have to beat their asses back to the border AGAIN.

    I AM CANADIAN!!! I AM A SURVIVOUR ALREADY!!!! Especially since I'm the best kind of Canadian.......NEWFIE!!!!!!!!!!
    plus we make a pretty mean Igloo :D:D:D
  • I'm still waiting for Survivor Arctic Circle. Of course they will never go for it because, apparently, people are turned on by half naked wannabe actors, who haven't bathed in a month, sporting infected bug bites.
    Now if you can outrun a polar bear with snow shoes then you are indeed a survivor in my book. If you can't, well that's just damn good television.
  • I'm still waiting for Survivor Arctic Circle. Of course they will never go for it because, apparently, people are turned on by half naked wannabe actors, who haven't bathed in a month, sporting infected bug bites.
    Now if you can outrun a polar bear with snow shoes then you are indeed a survivor in my book. If you can't, well that's just damn good television.

    THAT could be the basis of the show...the one who can stay ahead of the rest long enough for the bear to catch the laggers will WIN!! Somebody call the CBC, I have a great new show idea!!!!
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    THAT could be the basis of the show...the one who can stay ahead of the rest long enough for the bear to catch the laggers will WIN!! Somebody call the CBC, I have a great new show idea!!!!
    laggers! the BEAR has Spoken 12.gif
  • laggers! the BEAR has Spoken 12.gif

    LOL, you have the greatest emoticons CO. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

  • LOL, you have the greatest emoticons CO. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

    TY icon10.gif TYVM icon10.gif
    CO :biggrin:
  • Especially since I'm the best kind of Canadian.......NEWFIE!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow, I'm not the only one.
  • literation wrote:
    Especially since I'm the best kind of Canadian.......NEWFIE!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow, I'm not the only one.
  • I thought they already had a Canadian on Survivor. He was a US citizen but originally from Canada. (Jerry accused him of having beef jerky or something)

    I would imagine it would be a hassle for them to let non US citizens enter the game because of tax laws, etc.

    I'd rather see a Canadian Survivor. Same concept, same "exotic" locations.
  • They need a prisoners epidisode. Get 16 guys on deathrow, stick them on an Island and the surivor wins his/her place off deathrow. Now that would make for some interesting TV and save tax payers a ton of money at the sametime.
  • Dead Money wrote:
    lmfao :biggrin:
  • have a bad boys of poker survivor :D:D:D
    add a few other crazys like John McEnroe, Tie Domi, Donald Brashear, Kane :tongue:
  • me-rupes.jpg
    Total Signatures: 1253
  • I thought they already had a Canadian on Survivor. He was a US citizen but originally from Canada. (Jerry accused him of having beef jerky or something)

    I would imagine it would be a hassle for them to let non US citizens enter the game because of tax laws, etc.

    I'd rather see a Canadian Survivor. Same concept, same "exotic" locations.

    Kel Gleason. When he came back to Toronto though, he got his a$$ whooped for being a cocky sob at a niteclub. :D
  • actyper wrote:
    Kel Gleason. When he came back to Toronto though, he got his a$$ whooped for being a cocky sob at a niteclub. :D

  • MB will someday see the light and let us on his shows...

    I'd love to be on survivor or the amazing race!
  • Ok, I signed the petition. ( P.S. White on grey doesn't work very well - it's got that invisible ink feel to it ).

    If I had to stay on an island with a bunch of Americans, I would have a cyanaide capsule installed in my tooth...
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