
Interested in buying a chip set

Hey guys;

As moose said in another thread, he recommended that I start a thread to get your opinions on me purchasing my first GOOD chip set.

I have a poker table that seats 8 ppl. I'm torn on getting a cash or sng set. I have hosted both cash games and feezout sng's in the past. In the new year Id love to host a weekly thing, so my first purchase will be some good chips!

I really don't know anything when it comes to chips, I know paroah's are a great brand.

My questions to you guys are:

-what brand would you get?
-how many of each should I get?
-where should I get them?
-how much should I expect to spend?

I would appreciate any advice or comments directed to a total noob when it comes to this

thanx in advance guys


  • For SNG, what are your blinds?
    For Cash, what stakes do you play?
    How much are you willing to spend?
    This will help in determining what will fill your needs.

    For price, I have to recommend the Pharoah's hands down. You can get them for either cash or tourney, but try to avoid getting the same for both games.

    ChipTalk.net is a great resource for high quality used chips. The For Sale by Members section has some good deals once in awhile on some very nice chips.

    Also, alot has to do with what YOU like. Solids or edgespots? Hot stamped or inlay or label? There's all kinds of options open to you, as well as all kinds of price ranges too.

    Be warned though. Once you start, you can kiss your credit card goodbye.
  • +1 to what STR82ACE said re: Pharoah's. I have a cash set that will let me do anything from $0.25/$0.25 all the way up to $1/$2. Very nice chips at a really good price. If you want your set to pull double duty (ie cash and tourney), I would recommend getting some non-denominated chips. That way you can make the values whatever you like, depending on the game you a running on a given night. You can get casino roulette chips very cheap. The 600 pc. set I bought the Missus were $0.18 per chip for Paulson's. Once they're clean, they look awesome.

    Also, www.homepokertourney.com has an excellent "chip review" section that you may find easier to navigate than Chiptalk for research purposes.
  • Also, where are you located. If you're in the GTA, I have a few sample sets you could take a look at.
  • The Pharoahs are nice. Make sure you order them through this thread:

    Introducing the NEW Pharaoh's Club Clay Poker Chips

    Other suppliers will sell you crappy injection molded copies which you don't want.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    For SNG, what are your blinds?
    For Cash, what stakes do you play?
    How much are you willing to spend?
    This will help in determining what will fill your needs.

    For price, I have to recommend the Pharoah's hands down. You can get them for either cash or tourney, but try to avoid getting the same for both games.

    ChipTalk.net is a great resource for high quality used chips. The For Sale by Members section has some good deals once in awhile on some very nice chips.

    Also, alot has to do with what YOU like. Solids or edgespots? Hot stamped or inlay or label? There's all kinds of options open to you, as well as all kinds of price ranges too.

    Be warned though. Once you start, you can kiss your credit card goodbye.

    for sng's and cash, we just have solid chips with no denomination on them, we just assign a value to the color. I know that sounds retarded, but with the set we have (5 color) its the only option we have.

    Im willing to spend a couple hundred dollars, is that to low? how much should a good set cost?

    I really like the look of edge spots, and I love the feel/sound of a good quality chip.

    Is collecting chips addictive?

    I appreciate the feedback guys.
  • costanza wrote: »
    Is collecting chips addictive?

    There's a 12 step program thread in here some where.
  • Using the link moose provided, you can get a 500 pc set of Pharoah's for $160.00USD + shipping. All in should run about $200.00 US give or take. these will be denominated chips so you will have to decide if you want your first set to be a tourney set or cash game. And yes, it can be addicting. I am a relative chip newb, but I already have the following:

    500 pc micro cash set (ceramics)
    700 pc (?) tourney set (ceramics)
    1,000 pc cash game set (Pharoah's)
    1,000 pc tourney set (PCRs)
    600 pc cash ganme set (Paulson's)
    100 pc HU cash set (Paulson's)
    100-150 odds and ends (Paulson's)

    Oh, and the wife has that 600 pc set of Paulson roulettes I mentioned elsewhere.

  • I have a 14g 500 piece clay set that i payed about 40 bucks for. What's so special about Pharoah's?.... Nevermind now i see i googled paulson chips.
  • Addicting, what?

    Early group shot:









    I've added maybe another 5-10k since. Must get them out and count again.
  • Good lord!!! that is alot of chips

    do you have any sets you have fallen out of love with and would like to sell?
  • These:


    I have since found 165 $1 that are also cleaned and a rack of roulettes that you could use for .25 chips that would be $80.

    You need some $5s but should be able to find those pretty easily from the chip room.

  • pnut310 wrote: »
    i have a 14g 500 piece clay set that i payed about 40 bucks for. What's so special about pharoah's?.... Nevermind now i see i googled paulson chips.

    they're not paulsons!
  • johnnieh wrote: »
    they're not paulsons!

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    they're not paulsons!

    But they are nice . . .
  • So, Costanza . . . what strikes your fancy?
  • this is a paulson....
  • Milo wrote: »
    So, Costanza . . . what strikes your fancy?

    I honestly really have no idea what I am looking for, I am browsing that chip talk site as we speak

    I guess this is just of those things where I take the plunge feet first, and hope for the best lol

    I appreciate all the help so far, you guys seem pretty knowledgeable with this stuff, and I'm glad you guys can help me when I post questions.

    Do you guys have any recommendations on what to store my chips in? Currently, I have a shitty chip case that is brutal, where can I buy "racks"? Do they generally come with the chips, or do I have to buy them separate? How much do they cost? Are they generic in size so that many kinds of chips fit?

    Sorry im such a noob with this stuff.

    Ill keep you guys posted for sure with what I decide to do.
  • costanza wrote: »
    I honestly really have no idea what I am looking for, I am browsing that chip talk site as we speak

    I guess this is just of those things where I take the plunge feet first, and hope for the best lol

    Do NOT do this . . . take your time. ESPECIALLY if you want "nice" chips. Far better to invest in several sample sets, or borrow some, than to buy a set that 6 months down the road you are thinking "meh" about.

    I appreciate all the help so far, you guys seem pretty knowledgeable with this stuff, and I'm glad you guys can help me when I post questions.

    Do you guys have any recommendations on what to store my chips in? Currently, I have a shitty chip case that is brutal, where can I buy "racks"? Do they generally come with the chips, or do I have to buy them separate? How much do they cost? Are they generic in size so that many kinds of chips fit?

    Sorry im such a noob with this stuff.

    Ill keep you guys posted for sure with what I decide to do.

    No need to apologize about wanting information. As for what to carry them in, anything over a 500 pc set belongs in a nice birdcage. That way, they are always on display . . . at least somewhat. You can even get a 600 pc. clear case, but the one I have does not seem all that durable. Still, if you are OCD careful with it, it'll be fine.

    Also, when are you going to ask about cards? hee hee hee
  • What was your very first set milo?
  • Dice chips.

    Following that, I bought a set of "Vegas" chips off someone at HPT. That was a "jump right in" type mistake. Then came the ceramic tourney set, followed by the ceramic micro-cash set. Pretty sure I over-paid on both, but I liked them, and still do. Then came everything else. If I had one piece of advice, chips aside, it would be to find out what "feel" you like, and go from there. Some like ceramics, some like clay. I like both, but prefer clay now. Once you have the "feel" sorted out, then you can move on to solids vs. edge spots, denominations, etc.

    But it starts with how they feel in your hands/fingers . . .
  • moose wrote: »

    Thanks for that link moose, but 600 bucks is a little out of the range that I can afford, I was looking at paying between 200-300 dollars.

    I'm still on the hunt, from what I have seen, I really like the pharoah's, I'm trying to find a set of brightly colored chips (pink, orange, yellow, etc)

    One of my close friends is color blind and has trouble with darker colors (black green, blue) so I'm hoping a brighter set would help him, plus i like bright colors
  • moose wrote: »

    Sorry, I was browsing and playing at the same time, I need to pay more attention! :D

    thanx again for the link
  • For your price range, stay with the Pharouh's. You might want to check out the Desert Palms or Dunes selection too, but like Moose says, buy them from TheChipRoom otherwise you're getting the cheap plastic ones.

    You'll never find brighter chips than the GCR's. Positively vibrant colours, beautiful hotstamp, but out of your price range.

    Like Jedi Master Moose said, get samples.
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