
  • Hey and the 1st comment is from Linda Johnson. Thanks for the read.
  • read it forgot to comment.

    Kinda hit me a few months ago when I was playing live and seeing how regs are treated and act at a casino. Some rarely tip, they bring their own food, they drink free drinks. Being pro its a job, and the casino is somewhat the employer, but whats for sure is the the rec players bring the money. So the pro and the casino don't make any money without 'rec' players.

    So when players berate dealers and don't tip servers and, belittle other players then I do think they do a horrible disservice to all involved. The casino needs to see to the rec players first and the pros need to support that. I mean obv they have to treat everyone well but I see a lot of regs that think the casino owes them (I guess they aren't all winning regs tho ;)

    the truth about poker is a bunch of people get together and give their money to the better players and pay a rake to do so...thats the truth. So why? How can we justify it. Well its entertainment i think. It's like a night out, a show, and a lotto ticket. I can see how people would pay this to play with players of a higher caliber and maybe some notoriety. Even guys like Tony G. and Helmuth contribute to this in a positive way as long and they're crazy banter has some sort of 'good sport' in it.

    Lastly Tony Guerrera (not Tony G.) said something like no matter how much a poker player makes they cannot consider them self a pro unless they contribute back to the the poker community and the community. For the longest time I couldn't understand why he would say that and I still can't understand the logic behind it....but I'm starting not to care and just accept it....

    If i made a living off this game, off peoples willingness to just give money to better players...and I didn't give back ...I'd feel worthless and like a shyster (spelling).
  • thanks for the link . . . good read.
  • darbday wrote: »

    If i made a living off this game, off peoples willingness to just give money to better players...and I didn't give back ...I'd feel worthless and like a shyster (spelling).

    This is the reason alot of full time pros with any sense of social responsibility quit playing.

    They cant handle the fact that they essentially do nothing positive in terms of societal contribution.
  • There is definitely an increasing problem in Vegas and (I assume) LA with online pros trying to be live pros and having zero respect for other players and bringing zero personality to the tables. Most of the online players turned live aren't actually very good live cash players, they are basically old, miserable nits in 22 year old bodies...which obviously is not good for any game.

    The only plus is that I love showing a multi-street bluff to the online pro who is on his ipad 90% of the time and not paying attention to anyone at the table.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    The only plus is that I love showing a multi-street bluff to the online pro who is on his ipad 90% of the time and not paying attention to anyone at the table.

    *scribble*...ipad is a tell..*scribble*
  • the problem with this is you are asking people to consider others and the bigger picture. good luck with that.
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