Comp and Wes live a tough life...

Thanks to our mods for another year of tireless effort. Here's an interesting article about mods on the net:

Comment Moderator, the Dirtiest Job on the Internet - Businessweek

This little gem made me laugh! I think we've managed to rope a couple of suckers into this job for free! Thanks again guys.

"Moderators (or “mods,” as some call them) can earn anywhere from $40,000 to $80,000 annually, but need to be prepared for daily exposure to humanity at its vilest."


  • Comp is teetering on the edge of his life cycle, and Who the FUCK is this Wes guy anyway?? And you're paying them up to $80K?? Nice gig if you can get it. Sheesh, back in MY day, we did this shit out of LOVE, not $$.

    j/ know we all appreciate the work you guys do.

    but seriously...who the FUCK IS WES??
  • Could be a new game for 2013 . . . Where's Wes? We could have people post pix from various locales they visit, and members could shop images of Wes into them.
  • Rumour has it Wes will be at MXM, although he has a nasty habit of bailing out of poker tournaments.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    but seriously...who the FUCK IS WES??

    Seriously, who is that guy.

    To be honest, all credits should go to comp. I barely do much around here anymore, and when I do its just to drop a ban hammer here or there.
    JohnnieH wrote: »
    Rumour has it Wes will be at MXM, although he has a nasty habit of bailing out of poker tournaments.

    It's MXM - enough said ;)
  • here here, cheers boys.

    I'll try to make some marginally ban worthy posts this year to keep it interesting for you.
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