Help . . .

Okay, so after telling this boy she is not really interested, my daughter is now going on her first serious date later this week. Movies and dinner on Wednesday. I am surprisingly calm about this, probably because the ground has not frozen solid enough to prevent me from digging a deep enough hole for the body. My question is this: We will be dropping her off at the theatres, and then picking her up after the night is done (afaik). How do I, in the brief period of time between her getting out of the car and the two of them entering the theatre, convey the threat of impending doom that will befall this boy should he step over the "line"?


  • It's all in the eyes. It's quite possible to convey impending doom, suffering and possible dismemberment without saying a word. Just let the thought of it fill your mind and allow that thought to flow to your eyes. Usually a slow blink allows it to show the change as instantaneous, causing even more fear and terror.

    Merry Christmas! :D
  • I'm obviously not a parent, thus my comments are purely speculative.

    Do you have an opinion of the young fellow already?

    Do you trust your daughter's judgement at this point to know herself what is 'over the line'?

    Why is she going out with him if she's already told the guy she's not interested?

    Bad time to bury right now. Any earth you place on top will not totally settle until things warm up again. It's not frozen yet, but it's still pretty cold. Don't forget the lime!
  • Milo told me once that he works with chemicals, so I don't think he'll need to bury the body :)

    Odds are that he'll be scared shitless anyway, but don't forget to give him a 'firm' handshake when you meet. That'll be enough to scare him into submission.

    You don't need to worry now if she's not into this kid. Be worried when she's got a eye for some other boy. Then you're in trouble.

    Thank God I've got 10 more years of relative bliss before I need to worry about this.....
  • I once met a father of a girl i was hanging out with and he didn't even say hi, he just said "State your intentions"....and he wasn't joking
  • HaHaHaHaHaHa!!!

    My daughter's first boyfriend sat and watched me clean my guns.
  • You guys are all going to end up with a bunch of old maids for daughters. Someday you have to relent don't you? I have no kids and only had two older brothers who beat me (regularly), so I have no first hand experience with the whole issue whatsoever.

    When I got engaged, my mother in law looked at me one day and said "You never asked her father for permission Bill." I looked at them both and said "I don't ask anyone for permission for anything at any time." I believe the message was sent. He has no guns.
  • Have a daughter Bill...your tune will change. Guaranteed
  • As a father of two teenaged daughters, I can tell you its no pic-nic. You cannot control who they are going to like but our influence is there.

    Set times to be home, set limits on how they interact with the boy (no home alone, no going in bedrooms, ever) - Always know where they are and always agree to pick them up, where ever and whatever time they call.

    I didn't approve of my oldest daughter's second boyfriend, she was spending too much time with him and she was forgoing things she liked to do. I wrote her a letter, not admonishing the boy she was with but rather painted a picture of the "type of person" she is and who she should be with. Supportive, her biggest fan, etc... It wasn't long after she stopped seeing him.

    Its a delicate balance, because teenagers rebel and will continue to see boys just because they know you don't like them.
  • These modern day kids... In my day we bashed em with the club and dragged em home by the hair..>:D

    course I only had boys.
  • Hey, guys, thanks for taking this so seriously (lulz). I think her lack of interest was a diversionary tactic that failed. Also, I have a bit of admiration for the boys persistence, as that is how I ended up with my wife . . . hmm, perhaps a rethink is in order. Naahhh, I trust my daughter, and she knows that we trust her and why. She will also know where the line is drawn viz. what shenanigans will, and will NOT be tolerated before Wednesday.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Have a daughter Bill...your tune will change. Guaranteed

    Was born without the parenting gene. Have never had the interest in raising a human. I can imagine what it would be like to go insane over situations like this and my head would probably explode too.

    Thus it makes it much easier to give advice or bitch and complain about the parenting jobs others are doing.

    Raising boys has got to be easier though I would think. Different issues of course. My Dad raised three boys and his main concern was that we didn't kill each other or draw 'too much' blood from each other.
  • Hmm...when I think of the things I did in the theatre with my girlfriends...
  • milo if you have beef with me you could just PM me you don't need to make a thread about it come on
  • Milo wrote: »
    Hey, guys, thanks for taking this so seriously (lulz). I think her lack of interest was a diversionary tactic that failed. Also, I have a bit of admiration for the boys persistence, as that is how I ended up with my wife . . . hmm, perhaps a rethink is in order. Naahhh, I trust my daughter, and she knows that we trust her and why. She will also know where the line is drawn viz. what shenanigans will, and will NOT be tolerated before Wednesday.

    I was once asked to empty my've taught your daughter what is and is not tolerated, but haven't raised this guy. Pocket contents should convey his intentions adequately.

    That said, it sounds like you've raised a good kid and she probably wouldn't go out with someone who would fuck around too much.
  • vekked wrote: »
    milo if you have beef with me you could just pm me you don't need to make a thread about it come on

  • Vekked wrote: »
    milo if you have beef with me you could just PM me you don't need to make a thread about it come on
    JohnnieH wrote: »

    Cannot be potd, Vekked has the wrong first name irl. I do my research folks. :D
  • You never know Milo, there will likely be a bit of an age difference between them if it was Vekked but you might get free coaching?
  • Yeah, but would you want him calling you Dad?
  • As a general principle, I have fears of anyone walking up to me and calling me Dad.
  • Would you really want a poker player as a "provider" for your daughter?

    Wait .. It is is Vekked though.. maybe just.
  • I was raised to respect and fear the would be father in law. Be yourself and honest but don't be crude about it. Example:

    Q: What are you intentions?

    Truth: She's hot. I want to see her boobs.

    Answer Given: She's smart, beautiful, funny and makes me a better person, so I'm thinking I should do everything I can to spend more time with her.

    See, it's like that :)

    Last year, when I first started dating Alpha, I was at the gym with two of our Japanese students. As we're working out, I see her dad walking towards us. Raijin, who has his back turned to Alpha's dad and doesn't see him coming, sees my eyes go about the size of dinner plates for 2 seconds and is very confused. I say hi, shake his hand and we go back to working out. Raijin looks at me and asks "Uhh... who?" I tell him it's Alpha's dad. "Ahhh... I understand." He pats me on the back, shakes his head, says something in Japanese to Soya, which I can only imagine translated to something along the lines of "Girlfriend's dad; we should finish working out before Matt's brakes get cut," and goes back to lifting.
  • LOL - dads are so cute when their daughters are going on their first "real" dates - you're lucky you're even in the loop on this. My daughters are in their early 20's and there was no "hey, Mom, Dad, I'm gonna go out with Johnny if that's ok with you" it was: I"m going out, I'll be home by curfew. We were lucky that our daughters talked to us about the boys they were interested in/dating but didn't seek permission or approval, necessarily, just told us what they were up to and with whom (the "G" rated version of course). I just made sure they knew about condoms and that they had birth control as well as the power of self esteem and the word "No". gl Milo!
  • Long time no see, Tammi . . . hope you both had a good Christmas
  • We did, Milo, yes, thanks...hope you and yours did as well.
  • I'll let you know tomorrow night . . .lol
  • Okay, so the kid gets to live . . . seems like a nice enough young man . . . firm handshake, called me "sir" and Mr. ______ . Got points for holding the theatre doors for her, and the resto when I picked them up. Lost one for not getting the car door. Have to get the date report from the wife later.
  • ^^^^

    Red flags all over that report. :)
  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, so the kid gets to live . . . seems like a nice enough young man . . . firm handshake, called me "sir" and Mr. ______ . Got points for holding the theatre doors for her, and the resto when I picked them up. Lost one for not getting the car door. Have to get the date report from the wife later.

    Yeah not bad, sure you've been called worse than Mr. Underbar.
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