Happy Birthday Wildbill

Happy Birthday Wildbill!

The interweb and Google is not your friend when a common nickname and common occurance meet.

Wild Bill and His Birthday Horse - YouTube

Have a great day.


  • Have a great day.
  • HBD Bill!!!!
  • Happy B-Day!!
  • Hope all your birthday wishes come true.
  • Happy b'day Bill, hopefully you get down this way for a live game soon..
  • Happy b day!

    Birthday close to Christmas, is that good or bad?:wink2:
  • compuease wrote: »
    Happy b'day Bill, hopefully you get down this way for a live game soon..

    You can't be serious? I'm starting to worry about you Dad!
  • happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday Bill . . . nice horsey.
  • Thx folks. Had a great start to the bday with a gift from A being the most awesome Tshirt I've ever owned in my life:


    'Chicks on wolves' it's called. A more awesome shirt will not be found.

    Mole, I swear when I woke up I checked the forum...saw the preview for that vid and thought "WTF? That's not me right? How'd he get that?" Nicely done.

    ok, so just watched 30 seconds of that video and I will confirm 100% that in fact is not me.. Sweet lord Jesus, not me.

    Edit: Just watched the whole thing, this may will likely be my last birthday. Thanks Mole..............................(It's really not me.)
  • best.tshirt.evar.
  • The shirt should be your avatar for a while. epic.

    sorry I missed the day, HBD and quit posting vids to youtube (thou doth protest too much me thinks ; )
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