new or old hundred dollar bills

Do u guys prefer the new or old hundred dollars bills?

Pros of Old hundred dollar bills
Easier to count (new ones stick together)
Feel more like money

Pros of New hundred dollar bills
Cooler design


  • New ones are annoying for poker -- sticking together trumps the cool look IMO. Last night I thought someone gave me $200 when they gave me $300.
  • Love the new hundos . . . wish I had more of 'em. Cannot wait for the fifties next year.
  • You guys get 100 dollar bills?


  • What I don't like is they get a permanent set in your wallet and you can't flatten them.
  • My understanding is that by April or May the $50's will begin to be phased out. By early 2014 all bills will have been converted. I don't mind the new ones. I mush all new bills a bit to make it easier for counting as soon as I get them, so paper/polymer don't matter. Both mush enough for easy counting.
  • I mush all new bills a bit to make it easier for counting as soon as I get them, so paper/polymer don't matter. Both mush enough for easy counting.

    You get enough $100.'s to count? Wow... :)
  • I paint good.
  • Tougher to put through the money i heard
  • My understanding is that by April or May the $50's will begin to be phased out. By early 2014 all bills will have been converted. I don't mind the new ones. I mush all new bills a bit to make it easier for counting as soon as I get them, so paper/polymer don't matter. Both mush enough for easy counting.

    Ahhh...mush. Will try later.
  • Tougher to put through the money i heard

    Not at my Credit Union . . . but they do not mush like the paper notes.
  • Tougher to put through the money i heard

    True. The counters either have to be recalibrated or replaced.
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