re-buy per session.

Hi all.
Just want to get other openion.
How many re-buy before you call it a day?
How many big blind per re-buy?
What percentage of your bankroll should you use for each day of play?



  • As long as I'm playing well and not tired and still feel like playing and the table is good I will rebuy. I top-up or rebuy for as much as the softest spots at the table are sitting with -- usually 200-250bb if the game allows. I generally top-up every time I'm $100 below my initial buy-in in 1/2 or 2/5...when I win a big pot I want max value.

    I use a 15k broll for 1/2 and 2/5 combined with the rare 5/10 game when I travel since there is never 5/10 where I live. I've never had to go deep into my broll, but I like knowing I have it for the odd time I lose 1k in a session or when I get to play the odd 5/10 session. If I were playing 5/10 regularly I would obviously use a deeper bankroll.
  • I usually play 2-5 and 5/10 so I am in for 2-3 buy ins max before I call it a day and those are full issue (table max). I am a tight ass and I believe that if I am running bad in a particular session or I am card dead I'll get up and call it a day.
  • The_Game wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Just want to get other openion.
    How many re-buy before you call it a day?
    How many big blind per re-buy?
    What percentage of your bankroll should you use for each day of play?


    Sounds like you are coming off a bad session. I usually play 2/5 or 5/5. Usually buy in for 80-100BB, which is normally more than average at these games. Don't like to lose more than 2.5 buy-ins. Probably shouldn't use more than 5% of your bankroll for any given session. As a recreational player, I don't really think in terms of 'bankroll'. I choose games based on accessability as I have limited time to play each week.

    I will always keep my stack at above 80BB min and add chips as it dips below. Very few players, if any, do this which I think is a big mistake. When you hit a big hand, you want to maximize your returns. I will also add more chips if it is a soft game and I think I have an advantage (or there is a very weak player at the table with a big stack).
  • Yes for first time in 6 years, I have a 3 lossing session in a row.
    When I run bad I usually take a 5-7 day break.

    I didnt play bad I just run in to better hands.
    here is some bad beats.
    -I lost a big pot to a better set (we both flop a set)
    -pocket kk I played it perfect (the other player had AT) he floped the T and river another T
    -many time I had straight flush draw and missed it all

    anyways these are part of game, I just want to make sure I get some advice managing my bank roll.
    I usually play 2/5 and When my bank roll gets big enough I play 5/10.

    I usually use 5% of my bank roll for each session.
    devide it to 3 re-buys (100 BB)

    How many lossing session in a row you guys experience??
  • The_Game wrote: »
    Yes for first time in 6 years, I have a 3 lossing session in a row.
    When I run bad I usually take a 5-7 day break.

    I didnt play bad I just run in to better hands.
    here is some bad beats.
    -I lost a big pot to a better set (we both flop a set)
    -pocket kk I played it perfect (the other player had AT) he floped the T and river another T
    -many time I had straight flush draw and missed it all

    anyways these are part of game, I just want to make sure I get some advice managing my bank roll.
    I usually play 2/5 and When my bank roll gets big enough I play 5/10.

    I usually use 5% of my bank roll for each session.
    devide it to 3 re-buys (100 BB)

    How many lossing session in a row you guys experience??

    I had 13 in a row once...if you play often enough and long enough you will have a few bad downswings. I think 15k is enough for live 2/5, especially if it is just a 100bb max game. I would take shots when you get over 20k.
  • The_Game wrote: »
    I didnt play bad I just run in to better hands.
    -many time I had straight flush draw and missed it all

    Not to derail your post, but if you are chasing a SFD you are most likely behind to start with so I wouldn't consider this a bad beat (especially if all the money goes in the middle on the turn). Now if you had a full house and the other player rivered a straight flush, I would consider that a bad beat. See my point?

    most in a row likely 5-6. Usually because I am chasing too much or bluffing in the wrong situation or a combination of both.
  • I agree missing a huge draw is not a bad beat, but i completly miss it about 4 diffrent occasion.

    Here is a hand i lost.
    My hand is A5 of Diamond.

    Flop is. A(s) 2(d') and 4 (d)

    Player a bets 100
    Player b raise to $250

    The pot is $ stack is about $500. Player b cover me and player A have about 200 behind.

    I have nut flush draw and straight draw. WHAT would you do? I personally think all in or fold.

    I went all-in for $480
    Both player call..

    Player B show AK and player A show AQ.

    I had 12 outs giving me about 49 per chance to win. Anyways i missed it all and called it a day..

    16 lossing session in a row.. How do you come out of that? How do you end the lossing streak. Do you change your habbits, change of style, or just go through it..
  • Actually, u have 15 outs x2 even assuming they both have diamonds.

    A5 = 47.3%
    AK = 40.5%
    AQ = 8.8 %

    Though u do not have the best hand atm, I still think it's a bad beat when you're favored to win, and come up short.

    I'm getting it in 100% of the time, and happy to do so.

    The only time you're behind significantly is against a set, and maybe a bigger flush draw.
  • I can elaborate on this specific hand later, but you know when you call here (or push), you are likely behind and still need to catch up. Your still behind technically 47/53 if you consider all the hands you have to beat. Not sure what it was pre-flop, if these guy's didn't raise/re-raise, would you raise anyways? once you start building a big pot on a draw, it can lead to serious bleeding of chips if you miss.
  • I play 1/2 and 2/5 and always buy-in for the table max at Lac Leamy, which is 100BB. I set a max loss of 3 buy-ins per session and am very disciplined at leaving if I do hit a self-imposed smaller loss limit for a given session.

    Overall, this year my live cash results were pretty good, which I will try to expand upon in the year-end/2012 goals thread... But my biggest issue is that I cannot get out as often as desired and may only be able to play a fixed number of hours in a session. For example, showing up at 8pm, waiting for a table, knowing I can only sit in the game till midnight/1am if I have to be at work the next day... If I get card dead for an extended period of time, or have not been able to profit when in position, I will enter some pots with marginal cards is so/so spots and spew some chips.
  • Just my two cents. Talk about your loosing streak here but tell NO ONE at the table you are on a bad run. Think lucky run lucky ....
  • On my going home. Happy to say my longest streak is over at 3.. Mind you i been playing as full time for 6 months...

    Thanks everyone on your input.
  • The_Game wrote: »
    I agree missing a huge draw is not a bad beat, but i completly miss it about 4 diffrent occasion.

    Here is a hand i lost.
    My hand is A5 of Diamond.

    Flop is. A(s) 2(d') and 4 (d)

    Player a bets 100
    Player b raise to $250

    The pot is $ stack is about $500. Player b cover me and player A have about 200 behind.

    I have nut flush draw and straight draw. WHAT would you do? I personally think all in or fold.

    I went all-in for $480
    Both player call..

    Player B show AK and player A show AQ.

    I had 12 outs giving me about 49 per chance to win. Anyways i missed it all and called it a day..

    16 lossing session in a row.. How do you come out of that? How do you end the lossing streak. Do you change your habbits, change of style, or just go through it..

    Any game where 2 players will stack off in the same hand with 1 pair and no draw is a great game. I get my money in here all day if I can put these players on these hands...the variance in NLH is why you have a bankroll. You are about 50% to win the pot getting great odds on your money.

    The question is what ranges did you put these players on before shipping your stack? What was the preflop action? How big is the pot before the flop? How does each player play and what are their usual betting patterns, etc? The math is great but in live poker you have so much more info than just the math.

    I'm assuming this is 2/5 and you're only 100bb deep? If so there isn't much consideration about stack value and stack protection.

    Losing one bi at a good game shouldn't be any reason to call it a day -- what is your bankroll? Were you tired or stuck more than this one bi?
  • My stack was little over 100BB. It was late and i was getting tired, I could of fold, the total pot size was about 1350.

    AK player was conservative
    AQ player tight.
  • once there are two other players effectively committed to this hand, not much you can do but hope you catch up. With these betting patterns I figure I am facing at least one set and maybe another flush draw. Depends on the habits of these players. Are they pushing draws or only betting big hands? Example aside, I would try focusing on building pots where you know you are ahead and try not to build pots where you need to catch up. See if that makes a difference in a couple sessions. Its really game dependant based on the aggression/passiveness of the other players.

    btw, is this at a club or casino?
  • You really shouldn't rebuy. Even if the game looks good it may very well not be. If you lose your first buy in you won't play as well.
  • Meistro wrote: »
    You really shouldn't rebuy.

    huh? If you can't rebuy, you don't have an adequate backroll. If you can't play well after losing one buy-in, you shouldn't be playing at these levels.

    At one time I stepped back from playing 5/5 because I wasn't comfortable with the $$ swings. Once I felt more comfortable at these levels, I returned these games.
  • Meistro wrote: »
    You really shouldn't rebuy. Even if the game looks good it may very well not be. If you lose your first buy in you won't play as well.

    If you lose your 1st buyin, shrug it off rebuy and play well, it will look very strong. I would even buy in for half max to have _at least_ 1 rebuy. Especially true for me due to infrequent sessions and commuting time to the poker room.

    Guess I'm a fanboy, even at my age but for example check out Elements of Poker and the carpenter being prepared for a job.
  • I also recommend only buying in for the minimum when you first sit down at a table. Ignore at all costs the temptation to 'get even'.
  • Meistro wrote: »
    You really shouldn't rebuy. Even if the game looks good it may very well not be. If you lose your first buy in you won't play as well.
    Meistro wrote: »
    I also recommend only buying in for the minimum when you first sit down at a table. Ignore at all costs the temptation to 'get even'.

    Both of these are generally very wrong, and I hope you are just trolling.
  • Well, except for the "get even" part.
  • Meistro wrote: »
    You really shouldn't rebuy. Even if the game looks good it may very well not be. If you lose your first buy in you won't play as well.

  • Meistro wrote: »
    I also recommend only buying in for the minimum when you first sit down at a table. Ignore at all costs the temptation to 'get even'.

    should have saved my lol for should buy-in for as much (if possible) as the weakest player at the table, always.
  • I buy in 60 BB. And re-buy up to 4 times....i had another great night at fallsview. I hope to have strong weekend, before i head to mexico for my 7 night vacation..
  • The_Game wrote: »
    I buy in 60 BB. And re-buy up to 4 times....

    $300 for 5/5 is not enough. 80BB+ would be more suitable and just add-on as you dip below say 60BB. YOU SHOULD NEVER play to zero BB and then rebuy multiple times! I see this every time I play and I don't understand the logic???? What's really funny is the guy that is doing this always hits a big hand when he is down to 25BB and would have gotten paid off if he had 80BB+ behind him.

    300 -0, 300 - 0 300 - 0, 300 - 0, 300 -0 makes no sense!!

    Even GTA may agree with me on this point!
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