2011 is almost over -- have you achieved your poker goals?



  • Yea. Failed most of my goals this year.

    1) 50k profits. Prob made about 40k live, but that is primarily a big Winnipeg bink and a bunch of mincashes in some bigger MTT that I was way underrolled for.

    2) Played rarely online after April. Pulled most of my roll off dumping almost 6 figs into a house renovation, and got promoted irl which put my free time at a bit of a premium.

    3) My goal for next year is to not quit in general, and play more live cash.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Yea. Failed most of my goals this year.

    1) 50k profits. Prob made about 40k live, but that is primarily a big Winnipeg bink and a bunch of mincashes in some bigger MTT that I was way underrolled for.

    2) Played rarely online after April. Pulled most of my roll off dumping almost 6 figs into a house renovation, and got promoted irl which put my free time at a bit of a premium.

    3) My goal for next year is to not quit in general, and play more live cash.

    4) Bink a couple tournaments in Vegas.

    Fixed it for you . . . >:D
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    play more live cash.

    :) when are you in Vegas again?
  • Yes I achieved them all because no goals were set.

    2012 goal(s):

    Take a Vekked poker seminar

    (2013 goals - set 2 goals)
  • I need help setting goals, Nothing comes to mind.

    I've been playing live 1/2, 2/5, 5/10, 10/20, 10/25

    I've played 1 tournament in the past 2 years.

    Goal Suggestions?
  • I need help setting goals, Nothing comes to mind.

    I've been playing live 1/2, 2/5, 5/10, 10/20, 10/25

    I've played 1 tournament in the past 2 years.

    Goal Suggestions?

    Playing cash all I do is set hourly goals and an estimated total of what I should make based on my hourly...I usually fall short due to real-life causing breaks in my playing. I think the hardest thing is staying motivated to play hours as a rec player.
  • I need help setting goals, Nothing comes to mind.

    I've been playing live 1/2, 2/5, 5/10, 10/20, 10/25

    I've played 1 tournament in the past 2 years.

    Goal Suggestions?
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    Playing cash all I do is set hourly goals and an estimated total of what I should make based on my hourly...I usually fall short due to real-life causing breaks in my playing. I think the hardest thing is staying motivated to play hours as a rec player.

    I just play cash from moment to moment, trying to play the best I can. I don't have an hourly goal in mind.

    Variance is huge.

    If I play full time, 40 hours/week=2000 hours per year=40,000-50,000 hands per year.

    I can be a winning player and still have a 50,000 hand downswing/break even/god-mode-rush.
  • I am having trouble setting realistic, achievable goals as well. I play almost every day online but am lacking a plan. I really need to work out a schedule that I can follow that builds my bankroll but keeps me interested in playing as well.

    I have turned a corner in my tournament game that should allow me to go deep more often but I have to correct one HUGE leak. I need to stop making calls for all, or most of my stack with marginal hands. I try to justify it by saying I'm getting short, etc... but truth is I decided to gamble when I didn't have to.

    When I don't do these dumb plays, the only way I get knocked out is from a bad beat or a cooler. I think I may have found my first goal, stop making dumb plays.
  • I just play cash from moment to moment, trying to play the best I can. I don't have an hourly goal in mind.

    Variance is huge.

    If I play full time, 40 hours/week=2000 hours per year=40,000-50,000 hands per year.

    I can be a winning player and still have a 50,000 hand downswing/break even/god-mode-rush.

    I meant an hours played goal not an hourly rate goal.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Goals for 2011:

    - make $10k playing 2/5 and 5/5 - did not achieve it, although I had a nice first two months up $4k. Then variance bitch slapped me in the face.
    - play and cash in a local casino tournament - did not achieve it. Only got the chance to play one $500 GBH tournament in 2011, finishing 33 out of 110.
    - balance family life and poker 'life' - achieved it - stuck to playing live poker once a week. Although some exceptions while travelling. Most important goal IMO.
    - travel the world, playing poker - achieved it - got to play cash games in Bahamas, San Diego, LA, Las Vegas and London (UK) in 2011.

    Goals for 2012:

    - focus on playing mainly tournaments and less cash games.
    - play and cash in local casino tournament. Goal of $10k profit from playing tournaments in 2012 (although not yet 2012, played my first live tournament last week for a $1,700 third place finish).
    - Play WSOP or WPT event.

    New goal for 2012: Get praise from GTA for a poker accomplishment (this may be the most difficult to achieve :) )
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    New goal for 2012: Get praise from GTA for a poker accomplishment (this may be the most difficult to achieve :) )

    Well, what are your goals...I'll see how you do.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I meant an hours played goal not an hourly rate goal.

    I'm playing about 30 hours live a week.

    I don't think I should play more.
  • My poker goal was to quit playing.

    Still play once in a blue moon.

    Working on abstaining permanently
  • Wetbrain wrote: »
    My poker goal was to quit playing.

    Still play once in a blue moon.

    Working on abstaining permanently

    website fail
  • Goal 1:

    Start hosting a rake free home game in Hamilton/Ancaster.

    The best format would be to invite the very best players I know and play very deep for small amounts. Say minimum buying 300 Big blinds.

    The idea would be to improve deep stack, skilled play as much as possible.

    I'm thinking the same as High Stakes poker.

    .30/.60 with a .10 ante/person paid by the person on the puck.

    Minimum $200 buyin.

    How does that sound?

    or .15/.30 with a .05 ante $100 min buyin.
  • I like the sound of the first option. A $0.50/$1 game with a min buy-in of $200 or a $0.25/$0.50 game with a min buy-in of $100 works too.

    A game in Hamilton would be amazing.
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