Brantford Laddies tourney to become Ladies again

Currently Brantford hosts a Ladies tourney every 2nd Monday in which the field is now about 50% men. Starting in January they will be alternating between Ladies only and Men's only. It seems to be a solution to giving the women their own tournament.


  • Paging Mark Auxillou...

    Love the tiara Mark.

    Mark Auxillou
    $60 Ladies Poker
    20 Jun 2011

  • lol, there is the tiara I bought at the Dollar Store and gave to Hugh for the winner. He is supposed to be wearing it in the picture. haha, well, it has gone missing so I guess he is wearing it at home. :)
  • Hopefully they will put some energy into promoting this and the field sizes will grow to at least where they were a couple years ago. I'm going way back - before the laddies joined & before the constant errors in scheduling.
  • I gotta say if they don't get full fields for the mens, ladies or either because of that rule, it is an incredibly stupid decision.
  • I gotta say if they don't get full fields for the mens, ladies or either because of that rule, it is an incredibly stupid decision.

    Agree- but also support decision to separate events

    Starting with having 2 small tourneys - 30 men 30 women on a bi-weekly basis would have been a better option - IMO. I've noticed couples seem to join this event together-they could continue to come together. A battle of the sexes HU between the winner's could be fun too.

    I think by simply maintaining accurate info on, putting a few posters up around olg casino's, and more poker related promotion during ladies nights, the numbers for the ladies will grow.
  • Gottaget wrote: »

    I think by simply maintaining accurate info on, putting a few posters up around olg casino's, and more poker related promotion during ladies nights, the numbers for the ladies will grow.

    First of all on OLG promoting...... bwahahahahahaha. Thanks I needed that.

    And if they do I can easily see the numbers for ladies 3-4 tables or so.
  • First of all on OLG promoting...... bwahahahahahaha. Thanks I needed that.

    lol I know,wishful thinking. But is it really so crazy to hope the info on is accurate? I guess maybe.
    Hopefully they will put some energy into promoting this and the field sizes will grow to at least where they were a couple years ago. I'm going way back - before the laddies joined & before the constant errors in scheduling.
    And if they do I can easily see the numbers for ladies 3-4 tables or so.

    If I remember correctly a couple of years ago the ladies events were regularly drawing ~50 players.
  • Gottaget wrote: »

    If I remember correctly a couple of years ago the ladies events were regularly drawing ~50 players.

    That would be great but now they register up to 80 don't they?

    The key is to get as many of those seats filled for every tourny so that they move to cash seats on KO. Any rule that limits registration is stupid.
  • The Monday tourneys are still limited to 60 players. Sometimes when the Mon is a holiday they up it to 80- but did not this past Thanksgiving.
  • Was at Brantford today, saw two men playing heads up for the Ladies tournament title, lol
  • There are some other changes in the new year at Brantford Casino. They have been offering tournaments every Sunday, and Thursday and starting in the new year they have added Tuesdays. They will also be alternating Monday's between Men's and Women's. That's a lot of tournaments!! There seems to be more variety too including some additional Deep Stacks as well as some Turbos.

    They have a new printed brochure/calendar available at the poker desk.

    Guys, please help us fill up the Ladies tourneys every second Monday by spreading the word about them to your female (not female impersonator) poker friends. Love you guys; just having a little fun here. :)
  • Animaux wrote: »
    Guys, please help us fill up the Ladies tourneys every second Monday by spreading the word about them to your female (not female impersonator) poker friends.
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