stat ranges

i want to colour code my stats on my HUD for easier notification. nothing too detailed, but i think it'll help me make quicker and easier decisions. therefore, i'd like to hear some opinions on the following ranges:

here are some ranges that i just threw together quickly. do you agree with them? what is better? assume full 9-man table.

  • under 15% - tight
  • 15% - 25% - average
  • 25% - 40% - loose
  • over 40% - very loose
  • under 10% - passive
  • 10% - 20% - average
  • 20% - 30% - aggressive
  • over 30% - very aggressive
  • under 1 - passive
  • 1 - 3 - average
  • over 3 - aggressive
3Bet Preflop
  • under 5% - passive
  • 5% - 10% - average
  • over 10% - aggressive
Att to Steal
  • under 20% - tight
  • 20% - 40% - average
  • over 40% - aggressive
Fold SB to Steal
  • ?
Fold BB to Steal
  • ?

*let me just clarify that i know some of these stats do not really work well on their own and they need to be considered in combination with other stats to gain their full potential. that being said, i'd still like to have a general range for each of them if it's possible.*


  • Looks good so far, for the attempt to steal, once it goes over 30% I say they are getting aggressive, but that's just me.

    For small and big blind's fold 70 and above are tight while like 60 and under are loose, but these are just general areas and what I have noticed.
  • whats more important here is sample size. i play 20+ tables and my biggest mistakes with the hud is when I overvalue a stat because I didn't see how many hands I have with the opponent. A lot of people set there stats to show nil until a certain amount of hands.

    3bet is notorious for that.

    so for example you might have 200 hands on someone and they have an attempt to steal of 100 percent. They steal you 3bet jam JTs as a partial bluff...and they snap you with AA. You got back to their stat and see they have on had 1 chance to steal.

    3betting also require and large sample size. In 200 hands you might have I dunno 20-30 3bet spots. If you don't get any monster, or maybe you felt flatting aces the first time was bets you could have a zero 3bet. or if you have run of good cards with the same sample size your 3bet could bet 20+

    Anyways I also go on and on about how too much information will encourage poor decisions. Been telling people to read Malcolm Gladwells 'Blink' on this.

    Also do you have 'fold to flop cbet' because its prob my most useful stat.
  • i do have fold flop to cbet but i wasn't quite sure of possible ranges for it. i also have WTSD% but i don't quite see a range with that stat either.
  • trigs wrote: »
    i do have fold flop to cbet but i wasn't quite sure of possible ranges for it. i also have WTSD% but i don't quite see a range with that stat either.
    ah ic

    fold to flop cbet if its zero over 4 or 5 times you can start to feel like hes floating flops and you might want to 2nd barrel.....and you def value you bet a pair of aces on an ace high board etc.

    if its 100 percent then you can cbet all your air and check back your made hands

    if its around 66 percent thats gonna suggest hes looking at the flop and deciding if he connected cbet and he folds air and calls with a hand.

    so three values i think....
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