Your start to poker

So, I began playing poker when I was young, but I didn't seriously understand the game until roughly one year ago. I didn't put any actual real work into understanding the math, the reads, or any of the critical importance to the game, and simply was just your average fish/donk.
Once I started to get a stronger grasp of the game, I started playing more and more, then came online poker (which at first was much tougher than casinos, since I do pride myself on my live reads.)
When I first started in online poker, I deposited $100, and played a $0.50/$1 cash game (I had no semblance of BRM at the time) and quickly lost that $100.
Afterwards I did a lot of reading, and tried to understand more online concepts, and adapt my game towards more online play. I deposited another $200, and played $2+$.20 sng's to grind my BR up.
I found that, in the beginning, I was having a tough time even staying even, and eventually even lost some money.
In fact, it wasn't until March of this year I was able to play in my first $109 (still playing from that $200) of which I was fortunate enough to place 3rd, which made me even more interested in the game and just push harder to hone my abilities, both live and online.

I guess I'm kind of curious, what route did you take to get to your BR? How much did you have to lose before understanding the game to your current extent? Do you feel there was any one influence (maybe a book, a forum, or even a tv show, anything) that helped you the most to understand the game?


  • when I started playing poker, I started playing online freeroll tournaments. I took a few down and had a little cash to play some real money games with but lost it pretty quickly so I then decided to make a deposit and I started reading the strategy section of online poker forums and that helped alot. You can post a hand that you arent sure about and others can give you there opinion on the hand. It never hurts to see how a more experienced online player would play the hand. Another option you could look into is hiring a coach. There are some amazing players out there offering coaching. It may cost you abit but if you pick the right coach it could pay for itself.
  • No point, online poker is mostly a crapshoot with multiple rock-gardens clashing head to head. Better to journey overt to Niagara Falls for looser action.
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