
If anyone is here let me know.

Just finished a weekend conference in Denver so I booked 3 nights in Vegas ($70 flight).

Arrived to the Flamingo and did the self check-in (used my total rewards for the first time in 10 trips here...comps fail) and noticed that they upgraded me to a suite. Arrive at the suite to find out it doesn't have a strip view...yadda, now in a strip view go room. After 2 nights is a 4 star Westin hotel in Denver I prefer the cheesy pink bathroom light through the frosted glass of the go fail somewhere there. Anyhow, I'm now on the 21st floor looking directly across at Caesar's and can see the Bellagio fountains. Sitting on the chaise by the window typing this. I'd post a pic if I brought a camera, but all I have is by crappy phone camera which is a fail in low light...will try again tomorrow. I've always thought these Go Rooms with a Strip View are a steal given that they are kinda neat and face directly onto the strip at street level. Not to mention it's an easy walk to the V poker room.

I've been up since 1am yesterday. Took a shower and I am waiting for a room service omlette ($5 deliver + $5 tip but I am nauseatingly hungry) then I will see if sleep or poker follows. If I play tonight it will just be some low or mid limit O8 for fun. Looks like they have an 8 16 half kill and a 15 30 "big O" (5 card O8) running at the V. I'm just here to relax for a few days so making money at poker isn't my top priority. The best games are probably at the B right now due to (I think) WPT being in town, but whatever. (for those that do not know -- I just found this myself a few weeks back)

Main non-poker trips goals:

Go for a hike -- Valley of Fire is likely one of my 10 favourite US parks and I haven't been out there in a few years. I always love stopping at the store just outside of the park which is 1/2 crazy fireworks and 1/2 me that just screams USA, it.

Check out a furnished rental house that I may rent for 1-2mo this summer if I don't get the job I applied for in Cali...gotta leave Edmonton sometime and I have virtually zero responsibilities right now. I'm loving live poker these days so wtf, I can give cash games a steady shot for a month or two.


  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I always love stopping at the store just outside of the park which is 1/2 crazy fireworks and 1/2 me that just screams USA, it.
    Racist ftw.....

    totally agree... Good start, keep it up..
  • america-16375-1237218340-23.jpg


    Originally Posted by GTA Poker viewpost.gif
    I always love stopping at the store just outside of the park which is 1/2 crazy fireworks and 1/2 me that just screams USA, it.

    And meth out back.
  • Up at 730am Vegas time -- sleep won out after I got some food in me last night. Hmmm, this is usually the time I get back to my room while being a degenerate poker player. Booked a rental can for tomorrow to force myself to get off the strip and get my goals done.

    I'm going to try and find the gym in this place and then wander over to the V and play some pokerz later.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    then wander over to the V and play some pokerz later.

    I hope to read a glorified $50/hr trip report at some point.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    If anyone is here let me know.

    Just finished a weekend conference in Denver so I booked 3 nights in Vegas ($70 flight).

    Arrived to the Flamingo and did the self check-in (used my total rewards for the first time in 10 trips here...comps fail) and noticed that they upgraded me to a suite. Arrive at the suite to find out it doesn't have a strip view...yadda, now in a strip view go room.

    I'll be staying at the Flamingo this weekend. How did you get upgraded to a strip view go room!? I heard it's near impossible to bribe your way to a better room at Flamingo.
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    I'll be staying at the Flamingo this weekend. How did you get upgraded to a strip view go room!? I heard it's near impossible to bribe your way to a better room at Flamingo.

    I booked it...just one of the different room options -- Go Room with Strip View...slightly more $ than a standard room. I highly recommend it. The suite "upgrade" they gave me felt like a prison room. I love sitting in bed and seeing the sky, mountains and strip...makes all the difference IMO.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I hope to read a glorified $50/hr trip report at some point.

    Probably not playing much poker this trip. And hourly rates for a 3 day trip are meaningless. You seem to have trouble grasping that I am a long-term winning cash game player for some reason. You do realize that some people make a living at this game, right? I put little credence in short-term results. Although, I am currently on a 6 session win streak which is super fun.

    Anyhow, I don't want to turn this into yet another thread where I have to explain how soft live cash games are to you...enjoy your troll.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I love sitting in bed and seeing the sky, mountains and strip...makes all the difference IMO.

    Isn't that cute. Do you have some puppies and fluffy bunnies to play with as well?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Probably not playing much poker this trip. And hourly rates for a 3 day trip are meaningless. You seem to have trouble grasping that I am a long-term winning cash game player for some reason. You do realize that some people make a living at this game, right? I put little credence in short-term results. Although, I am currently on a 6 session win streak which is super fun.

    Anyhow, I don't want to turn this into yet another thread where I have to explain how soft live cash games are to you...enjoy your troll.

    And you boys were getting along so well as of late. This saddens me.
  • ILike2Play wrote: »
    Isn't that cute. Do you have some puppies and fluffy bunnies to play with as well?

    How does a decent view equate with animals?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Anyhow, I don't want to turn this into yet another thread where I have to explain how soft live cash games are to you...enjoy your troll.

    I think all that cold Edmonton air has dulled your sense of humor...You should definitely check out Bellagio at some point during your stay. I noticed a huge difference after playing at V for the first three days of my trip back in October. Lot bigger games running as well. Worth the $10 cab ride.
  • And you boys were getting along so well as of late. This saddens me.

    Heh, I don't know why he needs to troll every thread I start or finds it so hard to believe that some people actually make money at poker, c'est la vie. Chip, shoulder, etc...
  • Lazy day. Went to the gym at 12ish for an hour -- $25 for 3 days and it's not terrible. Worked out for an hour then watched tv for a while.

    I finally wandered over to the V around 4pm and sat in an 8/16 half kill O8 game...made $130 in 15 mins raising every hand until I got called for my 2/5 game. 2/5 1k max with lots of pretty good sized stacks even though it was a new table. Made $570 in that after an hour but I really felt like playing O8 since I can never play it live anymore...went on the waitlist for the 4 8 O8 game (the 8/16 died) and sat down with $1200 in chips:) cuz I was too lazy to get them changed. I raised and reraised blind every hand for 2 hours and ended-up even in that game...good times. I got the O8 out of my system and will be playing some more 2/5 or 5/10 (no games at the V tonight) if I play some more during this trip.

    Biggest hand it is limped from LP to my sb and I make it 25 to go and get called HU with Q7cc. Flop JT9cc. I bet, he raises, etc...ship da monies all in on the flop (he only had about $300 behind) and I bink the Kc on the turn but miss the royal, wtf?? There were some cool spots in smaller pots but hand histories are boring so forget it.

    I'm on one of the best rushes in the past 3 years...7 straight winning sessions of NLH at this point for over 4k...the 2/5 here plays exactly like the 1/2 in Edmonton but it is better in that every table has a decent amount of chips on it. I'm actually considering moving here for a few months more seriously at this point.

    I ate dinner at the V poker room and it was decent. I always get carrot juice's actually really good and I've never lost money in a carrot juice session.

    Tomorrow off to see a house and to drive to The Valley of Fire.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I'm actually considering moving here for a few months more seriously at this point.

    Live the life baby! Live the life....
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Live the life baby! Live the life....

    No wai! Stay in school and get your edumacation.
  • No wai! Stay in school and get your edumacation.

    And fold those AA's preflop..
  • No wai! Stay in school and get your edumacation.

    I personally live in a world of dilution..
  • I gots my edumacations
  • There ended-up being a screw up with the rental car so I got it an hour late. Went out and checked-out the house which was meh, but didn't get around to the hike due to the time. Ended-up sitting for 2 hours in a soft 5 10 at the V and binked a 1.8k session...I luvz rushes. Going to have a nap and probably head back to the V later.
  • nice session what were the big hands you won?
  • Will post some hands later...just finished playing all night. I played terribly for the first couple of hours and was stuck $1115 in the 2 5 in just over an hour. I really didn't feel like playing so I switched to the 1/2 PLO table which quickly turned into 2/5 5 card PLO/PLO8. My first hand I tried to bluff into quads so was down $500 early...managed to end up stuck $60 in the game. Back to 2/5 I made almost $1100 in 3 hours so ended-up stuck around $100 on the night.

    This rarely happens to me anymore, but I picked tonnes of incorrect spots against the wrong players early in a session at tough tables. I was fortunate to almost break even but I played terribly for the first time in a long while. Always things to work on I guess.

    The good thing is I really have zero tilt in my game so I managed to start in a big hole and work my way out which is a bit satisfying.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    The good thing is I really have zero tilt in my game
    You really believe that...? Seen a few that claimed it but... We all have some degree of tilt, it's just some manage to minimize it using various methods.

    Very nice comeback though...
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I picked tonnes of incorrect spots against the wrong players early in a session at tough tables.

    So are you winning pots with good timed raises/bluffs or superior hands? This statement would seem to indicate the former.

    As one of the few successful cash game players on this forum, I would like to better understand where you are making money. Personally, I have really tried to cut back on bluffs, semi bluffs as I find it just leads to bleeding chips and it cuts into your overall win rate. I realize that bluffing has to be considered in the context of the other players at the table, but I try to win big pots with big hands and lose small pots with weak hands.

    Go to Bellagio if you have the chance. You won't regret it. WPT main event starts today so lots of action for sure.
  • compuease wrote: »
    You really believe that...? Seen a few that claimed it but... We all have some degree of tilt, it's just some manage to minimize it using various methods.

    Very nice comeback though...

    I really don't ever tilt live. I can lose $500 or $1000 in a hand and just go to the next one and not be upset at all. The only thing I do is tend to play longer sessions at tables which possibly aren't the best when I'm stuck. I will still leave if there are no good spots at the table but I will stay with only one good spot whereas I would usually leave after a few hours if there aren't 2-3 good spots in the game. I guess that is a form of tilt, but not one that directly effects my play just my table selection and time management.

    I think I've played so many live hands that it just does not bother me at all. If someone stacks me when I'm a 4:1 favourite I just continue playing knowing that bad players hit sometimes but are the reason I am profitable.

    I can certainly recognize when I have played terrible poker as I did for a couple hours tonight. I really enjoy playing super LAGGY but there are tables where that is an awful strategy and being patient is the best way to make money. It really is much easier to dump 1k with a few bad decisions than to make 1k in a session. Not adjusting can be a very costly mistake when you play a LAG style.

    Glad it's behind me and hopefully I can continue to play solid for the rest of the month. Now for sleep and a flight back to Edmonton at 730.
  • for your evening pleasure:

    Tickets: 'Absinthe' at Caesars Palace, $65 -- Las Vegas: New Acrobatic Cabaret Show (Reg. $105) | Travelzoo

    Too late I guess if you are heading back...this show was in limbo when I was in Vegas last.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Glad it's behind me and hopefully I can continue to play solid for the rest of the month. Now for sleep and a flight back to Edmonton at 730.

    deepstack @ Yellowhead Friday.......just sayin
  • Just found $175 in chips in my pocket from the plo game...up $81 on that horrid night:)
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    deepstack @ Yellowhead Friday.......just sayin

    Workaments:( yhead right now though
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    at yhead right now though

    how do you spell 'degenerate'?
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