Fold Up Poker Tables

I have googled this but am looking for more advice...

I want to get a new fold up poker table but one that doesn't suck. Where are good places to look that offer good prices and actual quality?

I have seen a few "made to order" places but they tend to be a bit more expensive and I am iffy on them.


I am a KW person. I am willing to spend money. My current table is 6 years old and I am tired of it.


  • kijiji? Craigs list for a used one.

    Sometimes Home Depot or Walmart have fold up tables, but they are usually pretty crappy.

    There are a few local who could custom make you a table, like folded, sstar, smekm and TommyGlammer. Not sure on cost, probably for less then $500.

    I've been thinking about getting a quote for a round (or octangular) table to add for my place. Perhaps we could go splits on the materials and save money.
  • quality folding tables are pretty rare to find unless they're custom built. you're probably better off building your own. you can probably post an ad for a table for tender and get builders to bid on the project for you so that you can get a reasonable price
  • moose wrote: »

    Where the f*** did they come from?

    EDIT: Nevermind, it's Tommy_Glammor with a new website :)
  • What's the word on Straight Poker Supplies? They have a few tables that I'm looking for. Are they okay?
  • What's the word on Straight Poker Supplies? They have a few tables that I'm looking for. Are they okay?

    I have dealt with them on a few occations and I trust them. I would deal with them again too.
  • Thanks, Dead. I talked to them and I could get a pretty good deal on one.
  • How did this go Flint? Did you find one? I may be looking as well.

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