Watch a live game at the bike..

For all you hardcore poker watchers.. You can watch a table live from the bike. they've got play-by-play and even hole card cameras...

Use Internet Explorer to view the page.. Firefox didnt work..

Tonite is a 2/5 NL game..

heads up on the flop, old lady with A2o in the BB calls a a guys raise from KK on the button.

Flop comes 992. He bets 50, she raises 100, he goes all-in for about 250 or so (its hard to tell), she calls.. Turn 3c ... Rivers brings the Ace..

She takes the money and runs from the table.

OUCH. I guess all the fish arent playin at party tonite :)

Edit #2:

UTG+2 Raises 50 with KK, reraised by UTG+3 to $150 with AA, Button goes all-in for $400 with 9dTd , both pockets call.. Flop comes down 3 diamonds.. turn/river blanks

Man.. Live poker is rigged!!


  • this going to be a live thread in the future?
  • Anyone who hasnt seen this show, check it out.

    10pm-1am Eastern Time Mon-Fri its Live, with continuous replays the next day.
  • it wont load for me?
  • I watch this regularily, its a great show.

    Normally on the weekend they show the last weeks shows, might be down for the easter weekend. I would expect a show tonight.

    Mondays are limit games, with tuesday to friday being NL games. Wednesday is the big NL game with 25/50 blinds and unrestricted buy-in.
  • I think mondays there arent any shows until the live show starts at 10pm Est.
    Each day has a continuous replay of the previous nights show, with no show on sundays, there are no replays monday.
  • it's 1am tuesday .. its no show or my IE won't load
    anyone kno how to fix it?
  • they only run at certain times and you have to be registered..
    check the scheduals
  • oh and this has been on for about 2 years nows...
  • We learn something new every day :D
  • mms:// is the direct url to view it.

    Its live ~10pm to 1 am Monday to Friday.

    The show is repeated the following day up until 8pm, starting 1 hour after the live feed ends.

    Then on Sunday they repeat the whole week. (not exactly the hours for each show..)

    Wednesday (tonight) is probably the best. 25/50 (thats dollars, not cents), NL with no max. (sometimes its 10/20).

    Friday is also good, usually 10/20.

    Been watching it for at least 8 months. Definitely a good idea, and a good show.
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