Looking for a stake

Hi there guys im new to the forum I have been playing poker now for about 6 yrs and I would like to have a chance to prove myself by getting a stake from someone Im looking to get staked into (5) $0.50 90man turbo games so a total of $2.50 I would keep a very clean rail and would give 75% to baker and 25% for myself if there is anyone interested please let me know name is bringmecards just trying to get a bankroll going again and trying to do this without depositing thanks soo much hope to here from ya


  • if you have been playing poker for 6 years and need a stake for $2.50 you made a wrong turn somewhere.
  • ya ur telling me !!! no I just play small stakes just trying to get a little roll going again!!!
  • I'll give you $10 for 100% of your business
  • U name the stake Ilike2play and we can do it I will keep nice clean rail for ya and also Pick times so u can watch me play I feel I have some good skill and would love to see if I can become a long time backer!!! Thanks bringmecards
  • You should take this to the Dragons Den and see what they say
  • What is that?
  • looks like you already begged for stakes online and you done goofed

    bring me cards - The Donkey Farm Online Poker Staking Forum
  • That was not the issue at all they screwed me over on that site!!!
  • Reallu im trying to try my best to meet people and get recongized here and earn some respect why are u being soo rude im not doing anything wrong?
  • lock thread?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    lock thread?

    Agreed...and two pms looking for money should be a ban?
  • Hi there guys im new to the forum I have been playing poker now for about 6 yrs and I would like to have a chance to prove myself by getting a stake from someone Im looking to get staked into (5) $0.50 90man turbo games so a total of $2.50 I would keep a very clean rail and would give 75% to baker and 25% for myself if there is anyone interested please let me know name is bringmecards just trying to get a bankroll going again and trying to do this without depositing thanks soo much hope to here from ya

    Thread Closed.

    This is your one and only warning. Read and learn..Prove yourself or be banned.
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