Please check out these scenarios that I made....

The question is in the picture... "in which of these scenarios does PLAYER 1 still have the right to RAISE after player 5 has gone all in??

I appreciate your responses!


  • Obviously all of them... The fact player 5 is all in does not affect the rule, since player 3 raised in all cases.. Why the question...?

    waiting for the spam...
  • Because I was playing last night, and the floor didn't allow me to raise as player 1 (scenario 1)... So I came here seeking clarification on the ruling!

    I protested but the floor (a lady who didn't seem like she knew), insisted that I could call the small stack, but that nor I or PLAYER 3 were allowed to raise.

    I had pocket jacks, and won the hand anyway... turned out the other two players had A Q.... just seems to me that I should be able to isolate the short stack with a raise to player 3.
  • Where were you playing that ruled that way, surely not a casino? lol, Fallsview?

    In all 4 situations player 3 had validly raised your bet so no matter, when the action gets back to you, you are open to do whatever you want.

    If you called then player 3 couldn't re-raise in scenario 3 and 4 but could in 1 and 2.
  • Thanks for the clarification pal.... Wish the floor wasn't so clueless
  • Thanks for the clarification pal.... Wish the floor wasn't so clueless

    So.. was this a casino or underground?
  • she kept saying something about the small stack being less than "half the bet" or "half of player 3's raise"...I didn't know if what she was talking about.

    Also seemd like others at the table were agreeing with her...
    Of course... I always get stacked at that casino, and was the one stacked again last night.. so I was prob the only one knowing what I was talking about.
  • compuease wrote: »
    So.. was this a casino or underground?

    Casino on an indian reserve.... lol of course....

    Akwasasne Mohawk Casino
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