My first purchase of real poker chips

Hey guys I have been floating around here for a little while now probably around 8 months or so a couple of you know me and have played with me.

I have been scouting out poker chips for the past 2 months or so trying to find a set that I like which I found but where way out of my budget so it came down to 3 options

Ciger & Snifter Ceramics with inlays Photos
Desert Sands Casino 10 gram ceramic Photos
Pharaoh's Photos

I will show the ones I have ordered after they arrive in the mail. I pretty stoked right now and hopefully am just as happy when I see them in person.

If anyone as any of these sets or has used any please let me know what you think of any of them.

On top of that about 2 weeks ago I started building a full sized 8 foot poker table on my spare time which isn't a whole lot between working 60 hrs a week, being a full time apprentice and trying to spend as much time with my wife and son as much as I can.

The table is half built has a 6 inch beige arm rail 4 1/2" Oak race track and is going to have black suited waterproof speed cloth will also show pictures of that when it is done.

Anyways if you made it though that thanks for sticking with me though my babbling just super excited about the new chips and table.


  • Congrats! I like the Pharoahs personally
  • Good stuff just a small thing, this is totally on topic!
  • There are a few of us who have the Pharoah's. They are an excellent chip and great value for the money. Before you buy your next set (trust me, there's ALWAYS a "next set"), check out chip talk for some further education.

    Congrats, your wallet is DOOMED.
  • I Have the Pharoahs, I love them, They have a excellent feel to it.

    where is the best place to order chip? (website please)

    Your game will be grateful, your wallet . . . notsomuch.
  • The Pharoahs you linked may be injection molded. For the good compression molded chips, you have to go to the chiproom forum on chiptalk. It's a shame really that they sell these in two versions. The compression molded chips are really great value but invariably people end up with the injection molded because they are easier to find.

    The Desert Sands were my first set and I still love them. But you need to buy them direct from Nevada Jacks - way cheaper at .44ea with free shipping. Your link is a reseller. You can also earn these for free through
  • Looking again, the Apache Pharaohs may be compression molded. There might be only one version of these chips, whereas there are two versions of the Dunes and Desert Palms chips - injection and compression molded. In general it is always better to go with the source, rather than resellers, which generally only have access to the cheaper injection molded versions. Offers -
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