Darbday in court . . .

Okay, Yoda's comments in the Occupy Thread got me to thinking about what it would be like should he ever end up on the witness stand during a trial. It would probably drive the Crown Prosecutor, or the Defence attorney insane . . .

Crown: Mr. Boon, do you know the Defendant?
Yoda: Do we ever really "know" anyone.
Crown: But, you know who he is, is that correct?
Yoda: Well, I thought I did, but he changed, man, to the point I am not sure who he is anymore . . .
Crown: Moving on . . . on the date in question, did you see the Defendant?
Yoda: Well, I don't know how to answer that, especially in light of not knowing who he is anymore . . .

Defence att: So you're saying you don't know my client?
Yoda: No, I asked if any of us really "know" anyone. See, you're operating under the constructs of a society that I reject. It makes it difficult to communicate, because we aren't talking the same language . . .
Defence att: Mr. Boon, did you witness my client take possession of the substance in question?
Yoda: It's more of a communal situation, dude, possessions are so territorial . . . yours, mine, the judge's . . . it's a hard thing to sort out


  • hostile witness fwiw.... :)
  • Naah . . . Yoda's a harmless little pot-head.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Naah . . . Yoda's a harmless little pot-head.

    I kinda wish I had gone to that place in 69..
  • ;p

    bruce lee was asked what he would say if he were on trial for killing someone in a fight he said he would say "It did it" ...meaning his techniques come out on there own....he has no mind that fires them....he believed it wouldn't have been him that did it somehow reminds me of that..
  • Why am I not surprised . . . by the way, Bruce would have gone to jail, and "it" would have gone right along with him.
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