Wear a Poppy . . .

Today is the official start of Veteran's week in Canada. The government has many vignettes in many different mediums to educate the population as to the significance of the poppy, and the debt we owe our men and women in the Armed Forces. I am a former Reservist, and at least one other member is a veteran of overseas duty for this country. The sacrifices made by the people who wear the uniform of this nation, who serve with distinction and pride all over the globe, and who lay down their lives in that service, deserve to be recognized and saluted by a grateful populace. The soldier does not set policy, but is often tasked with carrying it out. You may not agree with the missions our government has undertaken, but you cannot fault the dedication and commitment of the people who stand up when called and say, "Aye, ready aye."

So, if you have not already done so, take a moment to drop a loonie in the box, and wear the poppy this week to show those who have served, and those who still do, that their service is appreciated, and that their sacrifices have not gone unnoticed.


  • I was actually pretty proud of myself...

    beanie42 and I were hanging out and he had a shirt with "In Flander's Field" printed on it. Without looking I could still recite it, messing up just one line.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I was actually pretty proud of myself...

    beanie42 and I were hanging out and he had a shirt with "In Flander's Field" printed on it. Without looking I could still recite it, messing up just one line.


    That is pretty impressive and you should be proud of yourself (and I'm not being sarcastic). I honestly don't think I could get through the first line and should address that.
  • Well

    I am from Guelph - we have it drilled in pretty regularly

  • Milo wrote: »
    So, if you have not already done so, take a moment to drop a toonie in the box, and wear the poppy this week to show those who have served, and those who still do, that their service is appreciated, and that their sacrifices have not gone unnoticed.
    :) Cheapskate.. FYP..
  • Hey comp . . . I only drop a loonie because I drop one in every box I find. No cheaping out on the vets here.

    Mark, did you blow the opening stanza, because for a while they had changed it from the original. I cannot remember which is the original but if you said the "poppies blow" or alternatively that the "poppies grow" you could make a case for being correct.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Hey comp . . . I only drop a loonie because I drop one in every box I find. No cheaping out on the vets here.
    lol, just razzin ya, I know you are a vet supporter, you've made that plain..
  • compuease wrote: »
    lol, just razzin ya, I know you are a vet supporter, you've made that plain..

    It's the only reason I put up with GTA . . . :D
  • I always drop my change at the Beer Store. There is no reason to not support veterans. It's why I dislike what the Conservatives are doing with their budget.

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    I'm sure there are other things that can be cut, even it it is EI, before we need to cut veteran's services. In a lot of cases these are guys that have lost limbs, and wives who have lost husbands.
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